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I look like im showing and everyone says the same. I have heard that you really just look a bit bloated like you are on your period. I guess you can look bigger if its not your first. Im wondering the same as you are because I for sure am showing more than just bloat. I had an ultra sound at 7 weeks and I might be having twins so that could also be why. Good luck with your pregnancy and birth.

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16y ago
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16y ago

Early movements will feel like gas, and are often described as a flutter however early movements will not be felt until at least 13-16 weeks, and first time mothers may not notice them until 18-20 weeks.

If you are feeling movements, and are not sure exactly how far along you are, it would be safe to guess you are further along than 10 weeks.

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15y ago

For myself, I've started to feel some tightness, but nothing is visable. In my family first pregnancies hardly show so I think a lot depends on your family history

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14y ago

Well I know as early as 8 weeks pregnant my abdomen felt very hard if I pushed on it, whereas when not pregnant I could push in pretty far if I poked by belly.

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Can you feel flutters in your belly if im 10 weeks pregnant?

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It will feel completely normal. At 3 weeks past conception (which doctors call 5 weeks pregnant) your baby will be 1mm long. There will be no changes in your body that you can see or feel. In a couple of weeks, a trained doctor will be able to feel a change in your uterus, but you will probably not be able to feel it.

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Is there any change in belly during ten weeks pregnancy?

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My chihuahua is 7 weeks pregnant has put on 600gms in 2 weeks large belly swollen nipples and increased appetite. how come the vet can only feel a full uterus but no puppies?

Are you sure she mated, if she did she should have a big bellie, if carrrying alot and big nipples. My chihuahua is also 7 weeks pregnant and ive been told to feel for the pups myself by placing my hand on her belly. You can feel small kicks at 8 weeks pregnant you will really see them kick and move about. Ive been breeding for 3 years now and not all pregnancies are the same. Keep an eye on her and give her lots of protein like eggs, cottage cheese. If your vet cannot feel the pups maybe she has alot of them and there is no room left in her. If not then id ask the vet if shes not pregnant then why has she put on the weight and showing signs of pregnancy. Hope this helps and good luck

If pregnant how soon can you feel your uterus if you push can you feel it at 7 weeks?

I can feel mine at 7 weeks.