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The regular run-of-the-mill strains of influenza kill more than 35 000 Americans every year and hospitalize another 200 000.

Swine Flu has killed 159 worldwide...

The H1N1 (Swine) Flu virus is much less contagious than human influenza, this whole thing is being blown out of proportion. I smell a conspiracy...

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Q: How serious is the Swine Flu infection?
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Related questions

Does the swine flu shot help you?

Yes, it's a vaccination that helps you prevent the swine flu infection.

What is swine fleue?

Swine flu is a disease, a strain of Influenza that is more serious than common flu.

At what ages is Swine Flu serious what age does it kill what age is the risk high what age does the body resist it?

If you catch swine flu once, if you catch it again then it won't be as serious.

Do you get spots if you get Swine Flu?

No you don't unless you have a secondary infection.

Does Swine Flu cause pneumonia?

Yes it can. Complications from swine flu can cause respiratory infections including pneumonia. Swine flu itself can evolve into viral pneumonia, or it can be what is called an "opportunistic" bacterial infection (secondary infection) that a weakened immune system or one that is busy fighting the virus can allow.

Is it best for under fives to have Swine Flu vaccine?

Children five and under are one of the high risk groups for serious complications from the swine flu requiring hospitalization, it is recommended that children should get the vaccination to prevent infection, the risk of the disease is greater than any risks of a vaccination (which are few). See the related questions for more information about vaccinations for swine flu H1N1/09.

Why do antibiotics have an effect on Swine Flu?

They do not have an effect on swine flu, but can be helpful if a secondary bacterial infection occurs with the flu or after the flu. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses. The flu is caused by viruses. Antibiotics are for treating infections by bacteria, not for treating infections by viruses.

Do artificial colors cause Swine Flu?

No information suggests that there is any connection between the viral infection that causes swine flu and food colors or other artificial colors. Swine flu (H1N1) is caused by a virus (Type A, H1N1/09 influenza virus), as is the "regular" flu.

How long can you be sick with the Swine Flu this is the third week for my daughter?

This is a very serious complication. you are only suppost to have swine flu for 2 weeks. If you have it any longer this means that you have a very high risk from dying of infection. Take her to the hospital and they will give her some drugs to decrease that risk. by the way I'm joking.

Does an ear infection have to do with the Swine Flu?

Not really, other than when you have the flu you may be more susceptible to bacterial infections (usually ear infections are caused by bacteria, not viruses like the swine flu). Any time there is any kind of infection of the respiratory system, the ears can get an accumulation of fluids that encourages a secondary ear infection.

Is the Swine Flu in Oregon Salem yet?

is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet

What is the molecular biology for Swine Flu?

The same as that for influenza in general: it's a viral infection.