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A lamictal rash is an allergic reaction. Like all allergic reactions, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome can occur. This is potentially fatal. So the lamictal rash is as serious as rash can get. After checking with a doctor to make sure you really do have the lamictal rash, you need to quit taking lamictal immediately. If you don't the chances of you developing Stevens-Johnson Syndrome increases greatly.

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Q: How serious is a Lamictal rash?
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Can a rash develop after Lamictal is discontinued?

develop a rash

Can a rash develop when Lamictal is stopped?

No doing that has nothing to do with developing a rash

Rash on your arms-can you just stop taking the lamictal?

Contact you physician ASAP. This is a sign that you should discontinue take Lamictal.

Can lamictal rash start in your butt crack?

yes run like heck if u get it

Is a rash serious?

A rash is only rarely a sign of a serious problem

Would 12.5 mg of Lamictal cause a slight rash on your stomach and a blister on your cheek?

It's a low dose for an adult... BUT yes Lamictal could be causing these effects. You should report this to your prescribing doctor IMMEDIATELY. It may be unrelated to the Lamictal, but it's quite likely that it could be due to the drug, especially if it's newly (under 4 months) started. In this case it's a sign of a more serious side effect of the Lamictal. Your docor will probably want to change your medication pretty rapidly if this is the case. Please don't panic however. I'd be grateful if you tell us how you get on.

Will lamictal 100mg make a dirty urine test?

yes. it will also cause an intense and potentially deadly rash around your genitals. it's not comfortable, and it kinda feels like herpes mixed with ghonorrhea. overall, don't use lamictal.

What is the best nature for a Jirachi?

Rash or Serious.

Are the side effects of starting a 3 yr old on Lamictal too high?

Only you and your child's pediatrician can decide that. However, Lamictal does have a particularly dangerous,but *rare* side effect of a sever and sometimes fatal rash. In studies, 6 children out of 952 developed the rash, just to give you an idea of the chances of this happening. Discuss this side effect with the pediatrician who prescribed the medication. Good luck.

What is the safest starting dosage of Lamictal?

The absolute smallest dose possible, then ramp up very very slowly. Starting at too high a dose can trigger a potentially fatal rash called Stephen-Johnson's Syndromein which the skin falls off in sheets in some people. If a rash appears at any time while taking Lamictal contact the prescribing doctor instantly and he will refer you to a dermatologist for evaluation. If it is a Stephen-Johnson's Syndrome rash, the drug must be totally discontinued immediately.

Would penicillin cause a rash on your neck?

Some people are allergic to penicillin and can develop a rash, or more serious problems.

What is the best nature for lugia?

Rash or serious. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Im thinking modest