well, for me, it is a pretty infrequent occurance. maybe once every 5 years on average? Back when i was in grade school, it was more frequent (like once every 2 years). There's no right answer, because everbody's immune systems are different. and even if everyone's immune systems were the same, everybody is exposed to different viruses in their lives, right? no one can trace another persons footsteps exactly, and breathe the same air, consume the same foods or drinks, or touch the same surfaces, etc. There are so many ways to get sick, and so many ways that your body fights it, so it's a tough question. but it's really terrible when it happens, so try and eat healthy and wash your hands frequently, and avoid people who are sick (which is very difficult if you live with someone who is)
Having a stomach virus does not mean that the virus is in the stomach. Few germs could live in the acid there. What stomach virus refers to is a virus infection in the entire body that happens to cause nausea and expulsion of the stomach's contents and also diarrhea in the intestines.
Dogs do not get a "stomach virus" flu like people do so, if your dog is having vomiting and/or diarrhea, there is some other reason. Your dog needs to see his/her Veterinarian.
Symptoms of a cramping stomach and vomiting when having a bowel movement should be addressed by a physician. This may be a stomach virus or it may have a more serious meaning and should be evaluated.
If you have a fever it may be the stomach virus
A virus can be spread to anyone. But if your baby is vomiting or having diarrhea, a visit to the pediatrician is advised.
use the anti-virus program.
Mammals in most cases are susceptible to the same viruses.
Based on the symptoms it's most likely a virus.
Stomach virus
Yes, the salt is good for your stomach. It coats it.
When I got the stomach virus, they gave me phennergin (I think I spelled it wrong). It works really well, but makes you sleepy.
The host cell does not benefit from having a virus. The virus usually kills it.