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salah is a fat boy and jearamy 7r lillian baylis

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Incubation is 48-72 hours.

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Q: How quickly can the flu spread from person to person?
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What diseases spread quickly and easily?

the disease is the flu

What are communicable deseases?

Communicable diseases are ones that are easy to spread, like the flu. If you have the flu, you can spread it by coughing or even talking to a person.

How do you use contagiuos in a sentence?

The doctor explained that the flu is a contagious illness that can easily spread from person to person.

How is the flu virus pervasive?

The flu virus is pervasive in that it is a common virus which is spread from person to person generally in the cold months. There are several sub-categories of the flu virus, and the flu shot will usually contain 2 or three of these variations annually.

Who recovers more quickly from the flu someone who had a flu shot or someone who had no flu shot and why?

After a person receives a vaccination the bodies immunity system starts to prepare antibodies hence the person with a flu shot has greater chances of fighting aganist the disease

Can Penguins Spread Bird Flu?

Yes, all birds spread bird flu

What is the most likely way in which flu is spread from one person to another?

Breathing in droplets and sneezing/ coughing.x

What are the different ways that the flu virus can be spread from person to person?

A person must come into direct contact with a cold or flu virus, either by touching it on a surface from someone's respiratory droplets, usually from a cough or sneeze; or by touching a person who has the virus and getting it directly from them. Usually people get the virus on their hands first and then transfer it by their hands to their mucous tissue (nose, mouth, eyes). See the related questions below.

What is the name of the mosquito that spreads Swine Flu?

Swine flu is not spread by mosquitoes. See the related questions below for more information about how swine flu is spread.

How do Ebloa and flu and malaria and the plague spread?

Flu is spread through contact of an infected. While Plague and malaria is spread via fleas and mosquito.

How did the Swine Flu spread from one country to another?

Usually it is carried by an infected person who is traveling while sick.

What is the meaning of infectious disease?

The disease which is spread from person to person is called infectious disease. For example flu is a viral disease through which the other person is infected from the patient