HIV or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is spread by coming into unsafe contact with one or more of 5 bodily fluids. They are: Blood, Semen, Pre-Ejaculate, or, "Pre-Cum", Vaginal Fliud, or, Secretions, and, Breast milk. The Virus mcome into contact with an uninfected persons bloodstream in order for them to become infected with HIV
those people who got hiv
Yes, non-infected people (gay or straight) can contract the HIV virus if they are exposed to the HIV virus from another person.
About 1.1 people in the United States are infected with HIV/AIDS
South africa
No, you will not be infected in that manner.
It seems to be an ambiguous question:-) You can get HIV from other source that not an infected people? Maybe from a Rhesus monkey or from any other infected animal, blood or transpalnt. In the other way, you can avoid get HIV even if you have sexual contact with infected people if you use some preservative and take some care during the sexual relationship.
33.2 million(the most approximate estimate as of now)
In Africa, 1 out of 4 have HIV. In Thailand, 1 out fo 6 have HIV.
People are rarely infected with HIV through blood transfusion now. Scientists have not always known what HIV was or how to detect it. During this time, many people were infected with HIV as a result of blood transfusion. Thankfully, now every blood sample collected is tested for a variety of diseases, including HIV.
HIV-positive means you are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV-negative means that you are not infected with the HIV.