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This did not happen suddenly in a single year, nor was Jenner the first person to discover this or use vaccination.

English physician John Fewster had realized before 1768that prior infection with cowpox rendered a person immune to smallpox.

In the years following 1770, at least five investigators in England and Germany (Sevel, Jensen, Jesty 1774, Rendell, Plett 1791) successfully tested a cowpox vaccine in humans against smallpox. For example, Dorset farmer Benjamin Jesty successfully vaccinated and presumably induced immunity with cowpox in his wife and two children during a smallpox epidemic in 1774, but it was not until Jenner's work that the procedure became widely understood. Jenner may have been aware of Jesty's procedures and success.

On May 14, 1796, Jenner tested his hypothesis by vaccinating James Phipps, an eight-year-old boy who was the son of Jenner's gardener. Phipps was the 17th case described in Jenner's first paper on vaccination, clearly Jenner had performed vaccinations before vaccinating Phipps.

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13y ago

Edward Jenner did not invent the vaccine for petussis (whooping cough) because he invented the smallpox vaccine in 1796, the pertussis vaccine was invented in 1927 so therefore edward Jenner would be dead.

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8y ago

He first tested his theory on 14 May 1796.

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15y ago

Edward Jenner created the Smallpox vaccine in 1796.

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7y ago

Edward Jenner invented the first vaccine in 1796.

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The universal infant immunization for pertussis was introduced in 1940s, which has resulted in a dramatic decline of cases.

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many years ago.

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Q: How old was Edward Jenner when Edward he invented the vaccination?
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How old is Edward Jenner?

Edward Jenner was born on May 17, 1749 and died on January 26, 1823. Edward Jenner would have been 73 years old at the time of death or 266 years old today.

How old was Edward Jenner when he became a doctor?

jenner became a doctor at the age of 19

What year did edward Jenner discover smallpox?

In 1796, he injected an 8 year old boy with cowpox, a less lethal form of the small pox. This created an immunization to smallpox and was coined the first vaccination.

Who invented the vactination for polio?

English doctor Edward Jenner (1749-1823) used the first recorded vaccination. He was inspired to develop the technique when he noticed that dairymaids in rural Gloucestershire who had previously been sick with cowpox did not catch smallpox, a disease similar to cowpox. Jenner wondered if the dairymaids had developed immunity to smallpox, which then often killed people in much-feared epidemics. Jenner tested his theory on an eight-year-old boy named Phipps. He took some matter from a milkmaid's cowpox vesicles (blisters) and injected it into the boy, who then developed temporary immunity (resistance) to smallpox.

Who discovered vaccination?

In 1718, Lady Mary Wortley Montague reported that the Turks have a habit of deliberately inoculating themselves with fluid taken from mild cases of smallpox and she inoculated her own children.Before Edward Jenner tested the possibility of using the cowpox vaccine as an immunisation for smallpox in humans in 1796 for the first time, at least six people had done the same several years earlier. In 1796 Edward Jenner inoculated using cowpox (a mild relative of the deadly smallpox virus). Pasteur and others built on thisIn 1718, Lady Mary Wortley Montague reported that the Turks have a habit of deliberately inoculating themselves with fluid taken from mild cases of smallpox and she inoculated her own children.Before Edward Jenner tested the possibility of using the cowpox vaccine as an immunisation for smallpox in humans in 1796 for the first time, at least six people had done the same several years earlier. In 1796 Edward Jenner inoculated using cowpox (a mild relative of the deadly smallpox virus). Pasteur and others built on this

What evidence did edward Jenner get to show that his idea was right?

He tested it on an 8 year old boy and on some of his children.

How Edward Jenner found vaccination?

Observation and deductive reasoning. Smallpox was a scourge during Jenner's time, but he noticed that milkmaids contracted a very mild illness similar to smallpox called "cowpox", from which they recovered easily. He postulated that a tiny bit of the cowpox serum could be injected into a well person, and the mild cowpox might protect them from the deadly smallpox. It worked.

Where did edward Jenner discover smallpox?

In 1796, he injected an 8 year old boy with cowpox, a less lethal form of the small pox. This created an immunization to smallpox and was coined the first vaccination.

How did edward Jenner try out his theary?

Edward Jenner Began his theory on a Farmers 8 yr old son, after the child had cowpox, Jenner tried again and again to infect he boy with Smallpox but his child never got sick!

Who was the first person edward Jenner injected with his new vaccination?

On May 14, 1796, Jenner injected a "healthy" patient, an eight year old boy named James Phipps, with the cowpox virus. Later, he deliberately injected the boy with the smallpox virus. The patient did not succumb to smallpox, even after repeated injections. Jenner "treated" a total of thirteen patients using cowpox as a vaccine.

What experiment did edward Jenner carry out?

Edward Jenner Began his theory on a Farmers 8 yr old son, after the child had cowpox, Jenner tried again and again to infect he boy with Smallpox but his child never got sick!because he new that he was daft

Who did edward Jenner try out this idea on?

He tried it on a eight year old boy because he was sick.