You will need to talk with your dentist. Just got my invisalign off and my younger sister is 11 she needs braces but she can't get invisalign.
To use Invisalign Teen you have to be 13-19 years old. But in some dentest offices you can be 11 and still get Invisalign Teen.
In Australia, you must be 18 or over to enter into a rental agreement.
There are many case scenarios and impacted teeth, in some cases Invisalign can be used, as can regular braces. There are also other cases that an impacted tooth must be extracted before attempting to use Invisalign or any other brace.
Invisalign can be used when the 2nd molars have completed eruption usaully in the late teen years. This is because growth can not be factored in as of yet. == == There is no specific age, but Invisalin is not recommended for children.
Yes you can wear Invisalign if you have missing teeth, your dentist will put this on the Rx they fill out for Invisalign
You can buy invisalign at Rite Aid
Can you wear Invisalign while you exercise? Invisalign is built to withstand lots, including exercise.
18 years or older.
118 years old in other words never
Anything. When undergoing invisalign treatment you can eat anything you normally would, you just have to take out the invisalign before you eat.