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Old enough to make an informed choice by yourself.

While it usually isn't particularly important either way, I find the idea of parents deciding on amputation of perfectly healthy body parts almost entirely b/c of tradition quite distasteful.

There is generally no need for males to be circumcised. There is no known medical benefit, and circumcision, like all surgeries, has risks of adverse medical events including surgical error, severe pain, infection, and prolonged bleeding. Additional risks posed by anesthesia include problems with adequate ventilation and maintaining heart rate and blood pressure during the surgery.

While the vast majority of men in the world are not circumcised, circumcision is practiced in some religious and ethnic groups including Judaism and in certain sects of Islam. Circumcision is very rarely performed in any age group except for newborn infants.

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7y ago
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10y ago

This would depend on how fit a person would be to undergo surgery. However a person should not have the prepuce removed at any age as there is in normal circumstances nothing to be gained by it.

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10y ago

There is no age limit on being circumcised. there is however no reason to circumcise any one.circumcision is based entirely on religion and custom and even the so called medical reasons for circumcisions in country's like the USA were begun under a false premise by people that did not understand the reasons for what they were doing. Infant circumcision is favored in many places as the infant cant complain and the trauma of the operation seems to be forgotten within short order.hes operations are done with a minimum of hygienic care and most times with no sort of anesthetic. Some places circumcise infants. Islamic societies frequently circumcise young boys. In Africa today, men of all ages are getting circumcised so they will not get AIDS.This however is turning out to be done on a false premise as the men that have been circumcised are now the most likely to fall victim to disease .

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7y ago

People who get circumcised for religious or traditional reasons usually get it done when they are really young babies.

Cicrumcision b/c of medical reasons(rare, but it does happen) or personal choice can be at any age.

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16y ago

Adult men get circumsized, so there is no age limit for baby boys.

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How old was Gershom when he was circumcised?

He was 99

Is it too late to get circumcised?

NO! Abraham was circumcised at age 99, so even if you're 100, you can still get it done. Many emigrants of the former Soviet Union get circumcised at all ages since the Soviet atheism was repealed.

Is Dave annable circumcised?

dave annable is circumcised. I saw him naked showeribg after sports (we were naked too) and we all are cut guys.None was uncircumcised.

Is being uncircumcised an abomination to the Jewish faith?

Ultra-Orthodox Jews think so, but not being circumcised can't always be helped. If a Jew is not circumcised, it's not too late - Abraham circumcised himself at the age of 99!

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John the Baptist, just like all Jewish boys, was circumcised and named on the 8th day after his birth.

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How much might it cost a 42 year old man to get circumcised?

About $4.000

Can circumcised penis hurt your 2.5 year old?

if the child is not circumcised I segest you dont have it done before you have a look at the related link( Medical Studies on Circumcision ) belowonly if you hit them with it

How you be circumcised you're 23 years old?

A reliable urologist should be able to help you.

Is it normal for a 12 yr old boy not circumcised?

Most males in the world are uncircumcised.

What battle in old testement was lost because men got circumcised?

Genesis 34

At what age can a newborn baby boy be circumcised?

The ideal time for a newborn baby to be circumcised is when they are between 24 and 72 hours old. This is due to the fact that at this age there is less blood and upset.