Males are physically capable of obtaining an erection before they are born.
162cm is the average height for a 14 year old boy. You could be older or younger and the stage of puberty you are at willl also have a large bearing on your penis size. But a 14 year old boy might have an average penis length of 3 or 4 inches erect, obviously some boys will have a smaller erect penis than this and other might have a longer one.
Hell no!, you'll only grow to be 3inches erect. =P
The average length of a seven-year-old boy's penis is between 2 and 2.8 inches when erect.
A bit smaller than average, but not terribly unusual. What matters is how you use it.
lololllololoolollol no
Penis size varies a lot from boy to boy (and man to man) and whatever length YOUR erection is well that is the correct length for you. As the old saying goes "it's not how big it is but what you do with it that matter."
This is about, or just over the average size erect penis for your age.
Nope it will shink!
I'm 15 and i have a 8 and 1/2 inch penis and the average penis for a 15 year old boy is 6.2 inches when erect and 4.1 inches around
i never orgasmed young or anything but i remember having erections at 8
normal size is about 4 inches because im 12 and that's my hung vu and it's about 4.2 inches 12, my penis is 3 inches when erectim 12 birh day in 1 month curently going through puberty and man its going slow, but anyway when erect my penis is 5.1 inches long, when not erect anyware from 2inches- 4.5 inchesim 13 5.1-5.2 when erect and 2-3 when not yeahim 14 and mines 5.5 inches when erect and 4.3 inches when not erect, soyou wil keep groingThe average length of an erect penis for a boy who hasn't begun puberty is around 1 or 2 inches long.