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There is not a certain age for girls to start their period. This can happen any time during puberty from the ages of 12 to 16.

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Q: How old do you have to be to start ur period?
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as soon as u can start getting ur first period

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You are supposed to start your pills the Sunday after ur period ends. But starting a week after ur period ends isn't bad either but ur period will be a little off track

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When you dont get ur period & when ur stomach is getting bigger !

What happens if a 12 year old has vaginal discharge but hasn't started her mentral cycle?

nononono whats happening is that ur almost ready to start ur period, since ur twelve u'll probably get it within the upcoming year or so

Is there a posibility to start your period at the age 12?

yes it depends if ur bodyis ready

What years do you start your period?

you start your period when you are 8-16 year old... BE PREPARED!!

Meth urinary discharge?

this may mean u are going to start ur periods or come on your period

Do young girls always ovulate during their periods?

yea that's what it means. as soon as u start getting ur period that means ur ovulating

Do you start your period before you get your breasts?

Depends, but usually Ur boobs start growing first well atleast for me that's wat happened

Are you suposed to get you period on the first day of taking the inactive birth control pill?

no your are supposed to start the pill on the day u finish ur period