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I know this wasn't what you wanted to hear but everyone loses their milk teeth at different ages. It depends on YOU. I have lost all of mine already and I am thirteen, yet my friends (3 of them out of seven) have about five milk teeth still to lose. I'm not maturing physically yet so don't think that the two have anything to do with each other but it does depend on how much nutrition you are feeding yourself and other characteristics too.

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14y ago
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15y ago

It depends on how fast you lost other teeth Some people lose all their teeth before gr.5 So people are later and still have their baby teeth in gr.7

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14y ago

There is no specific age. It depends on how healthy you are and how much you care for your body.

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12y ago

there is not a "average" but around the ages of 10-13,

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10y ago

It can be different for every kid, but around 5 or 6 years of age is an average age to start losing baby teeth.

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10y ago

A person of any age can loose their teeth. Many times dental problems get bad and teens even have to have their teeth removed.

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13y ago

Usually at the age of ten or eleven

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15y ago

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Q: How old do you have to be loose your teeth?
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What causes old people to loose their teeth?

Gum disease is the main cause of loose teeth.

When does a child loose their baby teeth?

At 4 or 5 years old

Is it normal for a dog to lose its teeth?

yes, if it's still a puppy. Well it is if they are old because even humans loose their teeth when they grow old

What makes your teeth loose and fall out?

A lot of things generally have the possibility to make your teeth fall out, but while you're young, you should refrain from eating lots of candy to avoid fillings when you're older. When your young, you loose your baby teeth so when you grow up your teeth are the right size and fit in your mouth nicely... when your very old you start to loose your adult teeth because they are old and you have bad teeth.... but not all oldies loose their teeth..... So try to avoid the junk food if you want your teeth to stay in your mouth....

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When do donkeys loose their baby teeth?

Donkeys usually lose their baby teeth when they are anywhere from two to five years old. Their adult teeth usually come in quickly.

What age do bull terriers loose puppy teeth?

about two to three months old, it varies.

When your kid supposed to loose first teeth?

Children are suppose to lose all of their teeth. It's when they are adults, they're not suppose to lose any teeth!

Is there a cement for loose teeth?

brush your teeth..

What happens after loose of baby teeth?

After you loose your baby teeth, your permanent teeth can grow in. (Learn more about dental health at

Can a 15 year old loose teeth and grow again?

Yes,It's normal. It may be happened that many children are getting lose their teeth earlier due to they got early teeth.

How many teeth does a 9 year old loose?

Varies. He/she will eventually loose all his/her 20 baby teeth. Normally, baby(milk) teeth have the following life:Central incisors : 6-12 monthsLateral incisors : 9-16 monthsFirst molars: 13-19 monthsCanine teeth : 16-23 monthsSecond molars: 22-33 months