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Q: How often you need to have a sore throat so youneed to remove tonsils?
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What is tonsillectomy mean?

A tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils, which are two small glands located at the back of the throat. This procedure is often done to treat recurrent tonsillitis or breathing problems caused by enlarged tonsils.

What is tonsills and its symptoms?

Often suffering from sore throat, fever, pain while swallowing, hoarseness, visibly red and swollen tonsils in the throat? These signs could be symptoms of tonsillitis (inflamed tonsils). Tonsils are lumps of tissue at the back of the throat on either side.

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Can you get strep throat if your tonsils were removed?

I have gotten my tonsils removed and yes you can still get strep throat. Although you get it not as easy and it will not be as much of a miserable experience. As you could imagine not having tonsils that also swell up. Plus you get to chill in a hospital and eat ice cream... Now that is bomb.

Is it possible to get strep throat without tonsils?

Yes you can. My tonsils were removes when I was 5. I'm 17 now and got strep throat for the first time since, I thought it was impossible cause ny brother used to be a strep carrier until his tonsils were removed and I never got it. But I work at an aftercare and I got it. It's like hell.

What is the medical term meaning around the tonsils?

laryngeal tonsilsok, i think you mean 'pharyngeal tonsils'. we actually only have one of those at the very back of the throat which isn't generally reffered to as being a tonsil. we actually have 4 types of tonsil, but we call the two 'masses' at the sides of the back of the throat 'the tonsils' more often. these tonsils are called the palatine tonsils, or faucial tonsils.hope it helped x

How many tonsils do dogs have?

One set of tonsils, which conists of two tonsils (one on either side of the throat). Most people have five tonsils. These include a single pharyngeal tonsil, often referred to as the adenoid, located in the posterior wall of the upper part of the throat. A pair of palatine tonsils is found at the back of the mouth; a pair of lingual tonsils is located at the base of the tongue.

What are strep throat syntems?

Although most sore throats are caused by viruses, the classic symptoms of a strep throat (bacterial infection) include: 1) Sore throat 2) Fever, often 101-degrees or higher 3) Tender lymph nodes in the front of your neck 4) Absence of cough (not a symptom) 5) Pus on your tonsils

What is the special role of the tonsils?

The tonsils are part of the immune system, acting as a defense mechanism to help fight infections that enter the body through the mouth and nose. They contain white blood cells that help identify and eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses.

What does strep throat look like without tonsils?

A classic clinical presentation of strept throat in the pediatric population is: fever, malaise, anorexia, headache, nausea, and a throat that is extremely erythematous (red) with characteristic petechiae (red dots) on the soft palate. Nevertheless, it is always an excellent idea to confirm one's clinical exam with a throat culture.

How can you tell if you need your tonsils removed?

AnswerThere may be some swelling, you may get loads of colds. Its best to go to a Dr to get yourself checked out. AnswerBad tonsils can cause bacteria (they are actually a filtering organ) but often children have to have them removed. In the past 15 - 20 years doctors have ceased to remove most children's tonsils, but I disagree (personal opinion) because some children can get constant colds, earaches, sore throats, swollen throats and sleep apnea. When adults have their tonsils out it's a little more traumatic than having them out as a child. It's best to let the doctor diagnose this. It could be something else such as sinus' running down the back of your throat giving you a sore throat, or allergies. I just had mine out, I had Cryptic Tonsil I just found out about 1-2months ago. They can cause infections but nor me or the doctor knows how long I've had Cryptic Tonsil or why I developed them, some people develope them when there born, others later on, but they only diagnosed that when they saw food getting stuck in there (because its holes in the tonsil where food gets stuck, also known as Tonsilitis) I had many throat infections when I was docs never mentioned Cryptic Tonsil, I never heard of them, so I didn't have my tonsils out, and my tonsils never got so big to where I couldn't breath, if they did, then they'd be taken out, but if your having lots of infections, you may have Cryptic Tonsils and no one may know since I guess the only way they can tell is if food is getting stuck in them, and sometimes you can't even see the food when it is stuck in there because there are folds over the tonsils where it can get stuck. I haven't had a throat infection for at least 2 years, but I had them out because they said Cryptic Tonsils only gets worse. Any other way you can tell if you have them, is after you clean your mouth with mouth wash and everything well, take a Q-Tip and gentily swab the tonsil for a few secs, take it out and smell it, if it smells really bad, then you probably have it and should tell the doctor, also check in your throat every time after you eat to see if there is any white stuff back there it would be food.