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Horses need a tetanus shot once at year and probably a booster if they are injured with cuts or open wounds.

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Q: How often horses should receive tetanus vaccinations to insure?
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How often should horses receive tetanus vaccinations to insure their good health continue?

At least annually, which is the recommended schedule posted by the vaccine manufacturer. However, if your horse was vaccinated in April and then has a nasty deep gouge in February, your veterinarian will likely give a booster vaccine at this time just to make sure.At least annually, which is the recommended schedule posted by the vaccine manufacturer. However, if your horse was vaccinated in April and then has a nasty deep gouge in February, your veterinarian will likely give a booster vaccine at this time just to make sure.

How many times must a horses box be cleaned?

You should clean a horses stall every day to insure a healthy horse.

Where do you find free kind male horses?

There are many people trying to rehome horses for free these days however it would be your job to insure the animal they are offering will meet your needs from the kind or gentle standpoint.

Who do you contact to insure a rented motor home for towing in the US?

The rental agency should take care of that when you go to receive the rented vehicle.

What the prefix for insure?

The prefix for "insure" is "in-."

Can you insure a building you don't own?

You personaly can not insure the building but the society can insure the whole building.

What is a antonym for insure?

A antonym for the word insure is attack.

Can you insure a car under two different insurers?

No. If you have an accident with $5000 in damage, you will receive only that amount - you can't have three different insurance policies, for example and expect to get $5000 from each.

What is the population of Life Insure?

The population of Life Insure is 10.

Why is insure domestic tranquility important?

to insure peace with citizens.

Can you insure a bike that is not in my name?

In order to insure something you must have an "insurable interest" in it, so no you cannot insure something you do not own.

How much does it cost to insure a Mitsubishi lancer?

I opine that to receive the loan from banks you ought to have a firm reason. But, one time I have received a auto loan, just because I was willing to buy a building.