In addition to humans, pica has been observed in other animals, including the chimpanzee.
Although pica can occur in individuals of any background, a higher incidence of pica is associated with: pregnancy, developmental delay, psychiatric disease and autism, poor nutrition, certain cultural or religious traditions, early childhood
Pica can occur during pregnancy. In some cases, a lack of certain nutrients, such as iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency, may trigger the unusual cravings. Pica may also occur in adults who crave a certain texture in their mouthsymptoms:Animal fecesClayDirtHairballsIcePaintSand
Pica Pica - 1987 is rated/received certificates of: Sweden:Btl
The bird with the Latin name Pica pica is the Eurasian magpie. It is a black and white bird with a long tail and a distinctive chattering call.
pica pica
That is a disorder called pica.
Tina Pica's birth name is Concetta Annunziata Pica.
You piece of BEEP
A bird.