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they occur so often that they kill 400000 people a week

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Q: How often does head injuries occur?
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Has any injuries occurred on a Sole F80 treadmill?

Despite the fact that the treadmill is designed to reduce the risk of any injury, they can still occur. Among the most common are ankle injuries, which often occur when the foot rolls inwards. Other walking or running related injuries can occur, such as shin splints and knee injuries.

Is there a risk of dying when participating in the sport of boxing?

Yes, although the risk is small it is there. The boxers that have lost their lives have had brain injuries. This can occur when the head is hit repeatedly. These injuries can occur immediately or after many years of boxing.

Why are people who ride in a motorcycles almost to wear a helmet?

Because head injuries are common in motorcycle accidents. These injuries can often lead to death as the head is directly exposed to the outer envirnoment.

When was Head Injuries created?

Head Injuries was created in 1979-07.

Which type of injuries most often occur suddenly during activity?

A contusion (bruise) would likely result from a sudden blow to the body.

What injuries occur suddenly during an activities?

Some examples of injuries that can occur suddenly during activities include sprains (stretching or tearing of ligaments), strains (overstretching or tearing of muscles or tendons), fractures (broken bones), dislocations (bone out of its normal position), and concussions (brain injury from a blow to the head).

Who discovered head injuries?

Head injuries has know specific founder ( trust me I have searched for hours)

What helps prevent head and neck injuries in a car accident?

Air bags - in combination with a properly-fitting seat-belt are the best methods of preventing head and neck injuries during a car crash. However - some neck injury in the form of 'whiplash' can still occur.

What can cause head injuries?

A hit to the head

How do most injuries in the science lab occur?

We, most injuries in a lab occur when chemicals explode or are knocked over. Hope this helps!

What type of injuries occur most suddenly during activity?

Acute injuries A+

What are some traumatic injuries that can occur to the mouth?

A person can suffer a laceration (cut) to the lips or tongue, or loosening of teeth, or have teeth knocked out. Such injuries often accompany a jaw fracture or other facial injury.