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Q: How much sour puss can you drink before getting drunk?
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Related questions

How much does it take average man to get drunk?

This depends on many factors. It depends on how much a person weighs, how fast the drunk the drink, and if they ate before or while they were drinking.

What past participle do you use with drunk?

The past participle used with "drunk" is "drunk." For example, "He has drunk too much."

How fast can you get drunk on pimm's if you have never been drunk before?

About as fast as on any other drink. Drunkenness is a function of how much alcohol you drink over a short time, not the way drinks are mixed. Alcohol is alcohol.

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How much water have you drank today or How much water have you drunk today?

The answer is "How much water have you drunk today?" This is because it is the past participle version of "drink". The word "drank" can be used when referring to only the past version of "drink".

How much should a beginner drink to get drunk?

Beginners should not drink to get drunk. In fact, they should probably not drink at all, if that's the only reason they've got.

How much drink do you need before getting tested for diabetes?

2 cups

How do you get tipsey?

By getting drunk in the club, but not so much that you are actually drunk.

What happen when you drink beer instead of water when you are thirsty?

If you drink too much beer, you get drunk.

How come I never get drunk?

you dont drink or you dont drink that much, or you need to see a doctor

If you way 95 to 100 pounds how much alcohol can you drink before getting drunk?

While there are variables such as gender and weight, each state defines legal intoxication differently. In general, anything more than 1 drink in 1 hour for either a male or female will cause you to be legally intoxicated

How do you get drunk in saint row the third?

you drink to much beer and elchol