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871 billion US dollars.

Everywhere life can be found.

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Q: How much money would it take to give clean water to all the world and where is this need?
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What do Brazilians spend their money on?

The vast majority of Brazilians do not have as much disposable income as people in the developed world, so I guess the main expenditure would be on food, clean water, and shelter.

What percentage of people in the world have clean water?

Doubt there would be a lot coz 1% of total water is available for mankind.

How do you find food in the freezing area's of the world?

If there is water that is clean then i would say fish and animals on the freezing area.

Can you use ladders in window cleaning?

you cant use ladders to clean windows but you can to get to them, i would clean it with water and a cloth... you cant use ladders to clean windows but you can to get to them, i would clean it with water and a cloth...

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a common thing people use to clean water are Brita filters, the holes take germs out of the water

How much money would it take to clean up 100 million galons of oil?

it takeslots of money

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Without money the world would have been dominated by barter trade

How would farms and cities use up water?

to clean or give water to the animals

How would you clean a glass measuring jug?

Usually they're dishwasher safe. If not, just clean in hot soapy water the same way that you would clean plates/mugs.

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He would ask "What is oil?"

How do you avoid tap water?

If you live in America,why would you do that?We have clean water.I would be thankful.

If you were on a desert island how would you get clean water if you only had things from a ship wreak?

You would have to start a fire and boil the water