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Q: How much lactuloses does bulimic people take?
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Is it considered an eating disorder when you go hungry all the time because you can't eat what you want?

if you have to ask, then yes. take it from a bulimic.

Do bulimics eventually become underweight?

If a bulimic continues to purge, the bulimic will eventually become underweight. It's a simple measure of calories in, activity out. If someone vomits up their calories and doesn't take in replacement calories, it is very possible to become dangerously and unhealthily thin.

What are the Side effects of bulimia?

Well, speaking from experience, yes it can be. I have been bulimic for 4 years and it has nearly killed me. Everytime I eat it hurts my stomach badly, every time I purge it hurts everything from my stomach up to my throat. I have kidney stones, which is very painful and can be caused from bulimia. I can't have children..that is painful emotionally... If you are bulimic or thinking of being bulimic, please take my advice and DONT.

Are bulimics skinny?

== Sometimes people turn bulimic because they're overweight and are having trouble with other diets. Maybe they're under a lot of stress, or maybe someone is making them feel bad about themselves. Bulimia sometimes goes on for years and is a very serious condition. By not keeping food down, the bulimic person is starving their body of nutrients. In extreme situations the bodys organs can start to shut down. In that case, the bulimic person most likely has to be hospitalized immediately or slowly starve to death. Not necessarily - even if you are bulimic usually you binge and purge but you still eat and take in the calories of what your eating regardless if you purge. Bulimia is serious and does not always just involve being bulimic on its own they are also over obsessed with exercise and are also most time anorexic as well. It varies from individual to individual.

What are the health risks of bulimia?

i have a cousin who was bulimic and it might be different for other people, but she had more psychological side effects than physical...she ripped her hair out and is really antsy all the time...she went to the hospital for a while and is getting better, but it will take a while for her to recover

How long after beginning bulimic behavior will you see its effects?

The effects of bulimic behavior can vary depending on the individual's overall health, frequency of purging, and underlying medical conditions. Some effects, such as tooth erosion or swelling of the salivary glands, may be noticeable in a few weeks to months, while others, like electrolyte imbalances or hormonal changes, may take longer to manifest. It is important to seek professional help if you suspect someone is struggling with bulimic behaviors.

How many people are bulimic?

There are many people around the world that are bulimic but being bulimic isn't healthy at all. You should find some help. Go to a therapist or something. If you really are overweight, a healthy diet and exercise will help you lose weight. Tons of girls feel that they are overweight when they really aren't. It's all because of Hollywood AND also modeling. They make people think that being really skinny is gorgeous, but it isn't. There are more people in the world that think being bulimic and annorexic is ugly than there are people who think it looks good. Being bulimic really truly is an illness and you should find some help as fast as you can. I promise you won't regret it. I actually lost a very very good friend because of bulimia. I kept telling her to find some help and I actually even found a therapist for her but she wouldn't go. She was even sent to a mental hospital and as soon as she gained the weight and got out of the hospital, she went back to being bulimic. Eventually she died.

How do I make a seemingly bulimic inactive 4-week old kitten with a poor appetite eat play and be healthy?

I believe you asked this question before. The obvious is to take your kitten to the vets to be diagnosed. Most kittens will eat, but not like dogs (they graze.) Because the cat may eat and is not gaining weight or is not eating then it's clear there is something wrong with the kitten. It could be something very easily cured by some medications your vet can give you and also some vitamins. Please see your vet immediately! It seems like the kitten might have something inside that makes them sick. It could be worms, some infection, fleas, or what not... (or even allergic to some things around them). You better take that kitten to a vet, because that's not bulimic... bulimic means the someone who eats a lot then throws up intentionally. If poor appetite, that's definitely not the right word to use, because bulimic people have really big appetite to eat everything there is (then throw all up due to guilt of over-eating)

Why do people take so much coal?

to make money

How long would it take to see results if you spit out your food?

Never do that that's bulimic i was anorexic and i saw results fast but it was super unhealthy if you have any thoughts like that go consult a sikhiatrist (psychiatrist) :)

How much lives did the statue of Zeus take?

about 40 millon people

How much ham will it take to feed 35 people?

A whole pig