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Q: How much higher is the risk of contracting an STD for teens who drink often compared to teens who don't drink?
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The S wave, or secondary wave, is often compared to a toy Slinky because both waves move in a back-and-forth motion perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. Just like a Slinky can be seen extending and contracting as it moves, S waves exhibit similar behavior as they travel through the Earth's interior.

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It is a less obvious form of bipolar, compared to bipolar 1. but as there mood changes more rapidly and often, bipolar 2 has a higher suicide rate

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He is often compared to the poet John Donne

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The advantages of using premium unleaded gasoline compared to regular unleaded gasoline is its increased efficiency and higher burn rate. It is designed to work in higher combustion engines and will often produce poor performance in vehicles designed for regular gas.

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Generally, mammal nervous systems are more complex and larger than reptile nervous systems due to the higher brain-to-body ratio in mammals. This complexity often translates to higher cognitive abilities and behaviors in mammals compared to reptiles.

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James Dean was often compared to Marlon Brando by some movie critics.

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