"Depending on where you live and where you get the laser refractive surgery performed, the price may vary accordingly. You should expect to pay between $1,500 and $3,000."
Laser surgery for snoring with laser and RF procedures costs about $3500. Depending on the source of the snoring, it may cost more because multiple surgeries may be needed.
Lasrer eye surgery costs depend on the specific company that is offering the surgery. One of the best known laser eye specialists in the United Kingdom is Optical Express. The company has prices for laser eye surgery on their website and regularly host competitions for the chance to win laser eye surgery. It should be noted that laser eye surgery has its risks and not everybody that applies is eligible to have the surgery.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average fee for this type of surgery falls between $1,400-2,100 dollars. The cost depends on how much surgery is needed.
My research shows that in 2010 it costs about $2150 per eye. This all depends on what laser you use, examination cost and etc. However some insurances may cover and you may can get the surgery financed. http://www.lasiksurgerynews.com/news/How-much-does-LASIK-cost.shtml
The cost of LASIK surgery will vary based on the laser used, the extent of eye repair needed and the practitioner. Expect a minimum of $1,500 for a basic laser that is not "wavefront" guided. With wavefront, expect at least $2,100.
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The cost of laser eye surgery can vary widely from one physician to another. Generally, you should plan on spending $2000 or sometimes much more per eye depending on the physician, your location, and what must be done to effectively correct your vision. Be cautious about the doctor you choose. The more laser surgeries a physician has completed, the more skilled he or she has become. Be sure to ask others who have undergone the procedure if they would do it again. Keep in mind there are risks to any surgery.
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Recovery time will depend on the actual surgery and how in depth it is. Laser surgery is much faster to recover from but it could be a week up to 6 months based on what you have done.
You can get it cheap, but you may not get the high quality care and treatment you deserve. I would say to ask your optometrist first for recommendations about which type of eye surgery will be best for you, and then look at how much it costs.
The cost of laser eye surgery can vary dependent on type but for guidance, the average cost of a LASIK procedure is around $2100. Prices are actually coming down as the procedure becomes more popular.
Laser cut replacement keys typically cost between £5 - £10