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$38,000 without complications.

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Q: How much does it cost to amputate your toes?
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Can steel toed shoes amputate your toes?

Steel toed shoes will not amputate your toes. There are, however, severe situations under which they will be unable to protect your toes. Those are conditions under which you would also loose your toes if you were not wearing safety-to shoes.

How many toes can a person have?

A normal person has 10 fingers and 10 toes but some babies have 6 or more but they usually amputate them when just born

What is a sentence for amputate?

We need to amputate the leg before the infection spreads.The surgeon begins to amputate the finger.

How do you put amputate in a sentence?

The word of the day is amputate.

What is a sentence with the word amputate?

Yes doctor, it looks like we will have to amputate.

Use amputate in a sentence?

Doctors will amputate a limb to save the patient's life.

Can your foot amputate itself?

No it cannot amputate itself. It can become infected and start to decay.

What is a sentence for the word amputate?

His leg was so badly damaged that the surgeon decided to amputate it.

What does amputate?

It means that your arms or legs or parts of them have been removed either by a doctor or by a accident.

How many front toes do mice have?

however much toes your mom has, mice has that much. :P

How much will it cost to have you hair bleached in a salon and dyed need help x?

you can do exercises such as lungs , touch your toes and even reach for the stars

What happens if you have to amputate your cats tail?

Nothing much but they may loose some of their balance because balance is what the tail is there for.