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Q: How much does a human exhale in a day?
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What is the percentage argon do human inhale and exhale?

we inhale 14% and exhale 9%

How much carbon dioxide does a human exhale?

It depends on age, gender and activity but on average a human exhales 1 KG per day?If you are thinking of global warming, then the carbon dioxide exhaled by humans (and animals) does not contribute to global warming. The carbon we exhale was taken from the world very recently, so breathing is part of the carbon cycle.Alot.

What does the human exhale and inhale?

Humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon di oxide.

How much water per hour do humans exhale?

About 400 mL of water per day

What gas do human exhale?

Carbon Dioxide

What do human beings exhale?

Human beings exhale carbon dioxide, which is a waste product generated by the body during the process of cellular respiration.

What gas is exhale by plant?

Plants exhale oxygen during the day through the process of photosynthesis. At night, plants undergo cellular respiration and exhale carbon dioxide.

How much CO2 ppm do human lungs exhale on average?

It depends on a number of factors such as age, heart rate and depth of breathing. However, on average a human being exhales around 40,000 PPM of CO2.

What are the events that occur during human inspiration?

You take in oxygen and you exhale carbon dioxide.

How much smoke remains in your lungs when you exhale?


How much CO2 in liters does a human exhale per minute?

On average, a human exhales about 0.5 liters of carbon dioxide per minute at rest. This can increase during physical activity or in situations where higher metabolic rates are required.

How do plants rely on human beings?

we exhale carbon dioxide, which is what plants absorb.they need that to live.