It can take quite sometime. We can live without food for weeks, but not water. However, you may not see any changes on the outside of your body for the first little while, but your internal organs will be wondering what in heck has hit them. If Anorexia is not nipped in the bud the person will end up very ill and if it's left too long then death can occur. The stomach, intestines, liver, heart are all included in this ratio. There is all sorts of help out there for eating disorders. Anorexia can hit any class of people, any race or the rich/poor. It's a sneaky little beast. It happens mostly in young women (during dieting crazes and fads) and can start as innocently as becoming a vegetarian. Unless a person really knows what it is to be a vegetarian (has studied it) then a vegetarian diet is the worst thing they could be on. Bodies need protein and some people think you need to eat meat to get that protein, but you can get it in legumes (beans) cheeses, etc. Young women are inundated with being slim and pretty and to make matters worse it's splashed across teen magazines, movie magazines, on TV, etc. They don't tell you that many of these girls are either so sick from being Anorexic or Bulimic, or they have had plastic surgery to look the way they do or that girls like Britney Spears are air-brushed before she even hits the stage to do a concert. That she's had plastic surgery. Now more than ever young teen actors are coming out and admitting their are Anorexic and they are GETTING WELL! They are tired of it all. It takes a lot of energy to not eat. Young women should be independent and smart enough to be their own person and not trust what these magazines or TV ads say. Being thin does not bring happiness or more men into your life. It's what's inside a person that radiates to others as far as being attractive.
Honestly it varies. I was curious about this as an unhealthy eater for years. Now as someone suffering restrictive anorexia, I can say for me it is an average of about 275-800 calories a day, 600 being my average, 300 being my goal. 900 is a starvation diet, but really anything under your recommended amount for bmi (generally 1500) can be damaging long term.
It really depends on how much they restirct their food intake and how much they burn off through exercise. The normal person needs about 1,500 to 2,000 calories a day. The body naturally uses anywhere from 800 to 1,600 caloires just to function and perform simple movement tasks (sitting up straight, brushing teeth, driving, breathing, blinking, ect.). Anorexics can limit themseleves from anywhere between 300 and 1,500 caloires a day. If they are bruning off high amounts of caloires with extra exercise, too, many are working off of a dailt calorie defecit (where one burns more caloires than they consume)/
You shouldn't be anorexic. ********************* Please if you are a moderator, please morph this with harmful content! I don't know how.
About 1 in every 250 people suffer from anorexia or anorexia-like disorders.
no i became anorexic and didnt exercise i walked a little bit but i dont really count that as exercise
If your anorexic you should build up your food intake gradually. if your wondering how to be anorexic the easiest diet that's filling is bread(buttered) and water(pints) x
1 in every 250 people are anorexic. So that is 0.4% or so.Roughly 1 in every 250 people are anorexic, or have an eating disorder with anorexic-like properties.
no, she is not anorexic, or bullemic. she does not have an eating disorder. she juat has an aturally healthy body, along with good eating haits and exercise.
Healthy diet & exercise
Anorexic people do not weigh all the same, obviously. It depends on their build and height.
you eat healthily and exercise and don't worry about your weight.
No, anorexic people do not eat kitchen roll. I know this because i am anorexic and i haven't eaten kitchen roll since... forever!
Anorexia and bulimia are very serious eating disorders. People who are anorexic or bulimic can lose as much or as little weight possible. Some people can be 10 pounds underweight, some can be 40 pounds underweight. If you know someone who is anorexic or bulimic tell them that you are worried about them and strongly encourage them to get professional help.