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Q: How much air does a normal man breathe in one minute?
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How much air does a bugatti suck in?

In a minute, at top speed bugatti sucks in as much air as you breathe in, in four days of regular breathing. Link is below

How much air does a human breathe in one minute?

On average, a human breathes in around 12-18 times per minute. Each breath takes in about 0.5 liters of air, so in one minute a human breathes in around 6-9 liters of air.

How can platypuses breathe fire?

Platypuses do not breathe fire. They are normal, air-breathing mammals.

Every minute I will be here. Just calm down and breathe the air?

Just calm down and breathe the air and take a break it helps!

How many pints of air do you breathe in a minute?

The average adult breathes approximately 500 ml of air in one breath. In a minute an adult breathes, 12-16 pints of air.

How many liters of air do you breathe in and out of your lungs every minute?

the average person breaths in about 7 to 8 litres of air every minute when relaxed hope this answers your question

Why is the air you breathe out is much warmer then the air you breathe in?

Because your body is warm, so Body Heat causes this.

How much air did Jasmine breathe out?

as much or less then she brethed in

How many oxygen liters you respire by minute?

Healthy lungs breathe between 6 (at rest) and 150 (during exercise) liters of air per minute.

Can a dolphin breathe in and out of air and water?

Dolphins are mammals. They breathe air with lungs, pretty much just like you and I. They can't breathe water. When they dive they hold their breath.

How much nitrogen does humans breathe out?

On average, humans breathe out about 3.5% of nitrogen in exhaled air, which is roughly 78% of the air we breathe in. This nitrogen is not utilized by the body and is simply exhaled back into the atmosphere.

Is5ppm carbon dioxide is safe or not?

It is ceartainly safe to breathe, assuming that the rest is normal air.