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I have a slight twist to my pelvis and it causes my hips to be off center, putting more pressure on one of my knee's. When i played sports i often injured the knee by over extending it or pulling muscles.

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Q: How might the angle of the female pelvis might contribute to knee injuries in female athletes?
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What is the different between male pelvis and female pelvis?

the female pelvis is wider because it is the path of childbirth.

Does a male's pelvis have thicker bones than a female's?

no the female pelvis is bigger

What is the difference between a female and male pelvis?

The female pelvis tends to be wider, shallower, and lighter than the male pelvis, with a larger pelvic opening to accommodate childbirth. The male pelvis is usually narrower, more robust, and heavier, with a smaller pelvic opening. These differences are due to the requirements of pregnancy and childbirth in females versus the need for stronger support and mobility in males.

What is the difference between the male and female pelvis?

the female pelvis is wider because it is the path of childbirth.

Is a female pelvis bigger than a male pelvis?


How is the pelvis of a female different from the pelvis of male?

females have a wider pelvis compared to males- this helps during childbirththe inlet to the female pelvis is oval whereas the male is more heart shaped

How is the pelvis of a female different from pelvis of a male?

females have a wider pelvis compared to males- this helps during childbirththe inlet to the female pelvis is oval whereas the male is more heart shaped

Is the female pelvis deeper than a males?

the female pelvis is broader, tilted forward and shallower than a males pelvis. male pelvis is more heart shaped and a females is oval shaped.

Is The female pelvis is deeper and more heart shaped than the male pelvis?

the female pelvis is broader, tilted forward and shallower than a males pelvis. male pelvis is more heart shaped and a females is oval shaped.

Is it true that the male pelvic cavity is narrower than that of a female?

Yes, it is true. The male pelvic cavity is typically narrower and more heart-shaped, while the female pelvic cavity is wider and shallower with a rounder shape to accommodate childbirth. These differences are due to the biological need for females to carry and give birth to offspring.

Who has a wider pelvis Men or Women?

Women typically have wider pelvises than men. This is because women's pelvises are adapted to accommodate childbirth, with a wider pelvic inlet and subpubic angle. Men's pelvises are usually narrower and more compact in comparison.

How is an infants head shaped A female pelvis?

An infant's head is typically round with soft spots (fontanelles) that allow for skull expansion during birth and rapid brain growth. A female pelvis is generally wider and shallower compared to a male pelvis, allowing for easier childbirth. It has a wider subpubic angle and a rounder pelvic inlet to accommodate the passage of a baby through the birth canal.