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at least one tooth

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Q: How many wonky teeth do you have to have to have braces?
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Related questions

What are the advantages of braces?

they straighten your teeth so they are not wonky. This makes them look more attractive :D

What services or products does the NHS provide?

If your teeth are 5 inches too far out then the NHS will provide free braces for you and even retainers. If they are wonky but below 5 inch then you will have to pay around £3.500. (Crikey)

Who can put braces on your teeth?

An orthodontist can put braces on your teeth

Can you have a color in your braces?

yes , depending on how many teeth you have .

Can you pull wisdom teeth with braces on?

No. The braces will hold the teeth in place.

What are teeth braces?

Braces are things that go on your teeth and it straighten your teeth and make you have a nicer smile

Are you able to drink coffee when wearing braces on your teeth?

Of course you can. Braces have nothing to do with the "color/brightness" of your teeth. Braces are used to straighten teeth. If it is, in your finding, that drinking coffee has discolored your teeth, then he or she (your dentist) can apply a "whitener" to your teeth, regardless of braces. Regards

What are the best teeth strengthening braces?

Byte invisible teeth strengthening braces

Who has braces?

Many celebrities, and people that need orthodontic help to rearrange their teeth. In fact, personaly, I have braces.

Why you would need braces?

Some people teeth are crooked for many reasons. Because of this, orthodontists created braces to align a peoples teeth back in correct.

Why do one tooth hurt more with braces?

Actually, braces don't hurt. Your teeth are just sore from the orthodontist treatment you've been receiving. Your teeth are moving. In my case, my teeth aren't sore anymore because I've had them for almost two years. But your teeth could become sore if your orthodontist tightens your braces. Don't worry... the soreness will get away soon. Just hang in there.

Do you have to have braces if you have bad teeth?

yes you have to have braces on if your teeth are bad or less your teeth will move alone and your mouth will be weird