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It is estimated that 140,000 women WORLDWIDE die each year from ovarian cancer.

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Q: How many woman survive ovarian cancer?
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What type of doctor provides treatment for ovarian cancer?

They can use many treatments. The treatment they use the most is kemo. The doctors put the kemo into your body's blood system to help your white blood cells keep the cancer cells out of your body.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ovarian Cancer ?

Ovarian cancer is the seventh most common form of cancer in women in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 21,990 new cases of ovarian cancer were diagnosed in 2011, and an average of 15,460 women in the United States will die from ovarian cancer. Learning about ovarian cancer, its symptoms, and treatments, can help women get an early diagnosis.Is there a way to prevent ovarian cancer?At this time, there is no way to prevent ovarian cancer from forming. There are several things that a women can do to lower her risk of developing the condition. Taking oral contraceptives can reduce the risk of developing ovarian cancer by nearly 50 percent if taken for at least 5 years. Pregnancy and breast-feeding also reduces the risk. Other factors that reduce the risk of ovarian cancer include tubal ligation, hysterectomy, and prophylactic oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries).Does ovarian cancer show symptoms during its early stages?Symptoms of ovarian cancer can be hard to distinguish from other conditions, and can commonly mimic non-gynecologic conditions. Many women have stated that they had symptoms from their ovarian cancer, even in the earlier stages. These symptoms included: abdominal discomfort or bloating, pelvic pain, urgent need to urinate, persistent gas, nausea, indigestion, unexplained weight loss or gain or changes in bowel habits, loss of appetite, feeling full during or quickly after a meal, lack of energy, pain during intercourse, shortness of breath, or lower back pain.Who is at risk for ovarian cancer?The exact cause of ovarian cancer is not certain, but studies have shown several factors that may increase a woman's chance of developing the condition. Woman with a family history of ovarian cancer, especially among first-degree relatives, have an increased risk. Ovarian cancer also increases its risk as the woman becomes older. Most cases occur in women over the age of 50. Women who have never had children are more likely to develop ovarian cancer. Those who use fertility drugs or have had hormone replacement therapy are also at risk, although this is somewhat controversial.

What are Some of the Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer?

What is ovarian cancer?Ovarian cancer is a condition that occurs when the cells in the ovary began to grow and divide abnormally. Doctors have not been able to determine the exact cause ovarian cancer. However, they have found that family history seems to play a role in the development of this condition. Women who have never had children are also at an increased risk for developing ovarian cancer.What are some of the symptoms of ovarian cancer?Ovarian cancer is sometimes hard to diagnose because most women do not show any symptoms until they are in the advanced stage. If a woman does have symptoms, she will most likely experience abdominal pain, bloating, back pain, indigestion and fatigue. Those symptoms are commonly attributed to minor illnesses.How can ovarian cancer be treated?A doctor will usually elect to perform surgery that removes the ovaries, fallopian tubes and the uterus. If a woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer at a young age, the surgeon may only remove one fallopian tube and ovary. It is possible to conceive a child with one ovary and fallopian tube.Most women will have to go through chemotherapy after surgery to keep the cancer from coming back. Additionally, a doctor may also elect to perform chemotherapy is a woman is found to be in the advanced stages of ovarian cancer.How can ovarian cancer be prevented?Because doctors do not know exactly what causes ovarian cancer, there really is not anything that can be done to prevent it. However, there has been evidence to suggest that women who take birth control pills have a reduced risk of developing ovarian cancer. Women who have a family history of this condition may want to consider talking to their doctor. A doctor can help determine a patient's risk of developing ovarian cancer. Many women who are at a high risk for developing cancer elect to have their ovaries removed.

What is ovarian cancer and how are women with ovarian cancer different from those without it?

Women with Ovarian cancer are different from Women without it because Women without it are not sick or potentially dying & are not fighting a potentially life threatening disease. Ovarian cancer is cancer of the Ovaries in a Woman.

How many people are diagnosed with ovarian cancer?

21,650 in the USA

Can Ovarian cancer cause right lower back and sciatic pain?

Sciatica and lower back pain are one of the most common symptoms of ovarian cancer. This is a symptom that is often overlooked by many women.

How many people die from ovarian cancer every year?


How many people have Ovarian cancer in the us?

more than a thousand

How is ovarian cancer treated in alternative medicine?

There are many alternative treatments available to help with ovarian cancer. Alternative treatments can be used in conjunction with, or separate from, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

How many people die of ovarian cancer in the us?

6/10 women

Recognizing the Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer ?

Ovarian cancer is one of the most subtle forms of cancer. It starts in a woman's ovaries and can spread to other parts of the body, if not treated in the early. In many cases, ovarian cancer symptoms are not prevalent in the early stages, which make it difficult to detect until the cancer has progressed. Knowing the symptoms of ovarian cancer can help women detect it early. Early detection gives cancer patients a better chance at effectively treating the disease.SymptomsCommon ovarian cancer symptoms include abdominal pain, swelling or pressure, leg or back pain, nausea, indigestion, constipation and diarrhea. Fatigue that does not go away is another common symptom. Less common symptoms include shortness of breath and uncommon vaginal bleeding. These symptoms are also commonly related to other health issues. Women experiencing one or more of these symptoms should visit a doctor. Ovarian cancer symptoms tend to worsen and are constant as the cancer progresses.Risk FactorsWomen with a family history of ovarian cancer or other reproductive system cancers have an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer. Family members include a mother, sister or daughter with cancer. An increased risk of developing ovarian cancer exist in women who have never been pregnant and women who are over age 55. An increased risk of developing ovarian does not mean that a woman will necessarily have ovarian cancer in her lifetime. Also, not having risk factors does not mean a women is excluded from developing cancer.DiagnosisA doctor can discover if your symptoms are related to ovarian cancer by performing a physical exam and other tests. The physical exam is a basic check of your general health. The physical exam consist of your doctor gently pressing on your abdomen to feel for tumors. If the doctor touches something abnormal or feels the need to run further test, she can perform a pelvic exam. During the pelvic exam, the doctor feels a woman's ovaries to check for lumps or any abnormal shape. A doctor may also choose to perform an ultrasound to check for tumors or a biopsy to check for cancer cells.