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There is only one spinal cord in the human body. The human spinal column is made up of 33 bones - 7 vertebrae in the cervical region, 12 in the thoracic region, 5 in the lumbar region, 5 in the sacral region and 4 in the coccygeal region

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9y ago
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16y ago

i believe there's 24 bones in the human spinal cord. UPDATED ANSWER by ConnieU: The spine has 33 bones. These are called vertebrea and they surround the spinal cord. i forgot to include sacrum and coccyx

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14y ago

In a child:

7 Cervical, 12 Thoracic, 5 Lumber, 5 Sacral and 3-5 Coccygeal vertebrae.... therefore 32-34

In an adult, the sacral and coccygeal vertebrae are fused to form the sacrum and coccyx, therefore adults have:

7 Cervical, 12 Thoracic, 5 Lumbar vertebrae.... therefore 24, plus a sacrum and coccyx

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16y ago

There are 33 vertebrae surrounding the human spinal cord.

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15y ago

The spine usually consists of 33 vertabrea.

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13y ago

There are 33 spinal vertebrae.

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What is the protected by the vertebrae?

The spinal cord

How far down the spinal cord does the spinal cord extend?

second lumber vertebrae

What if your spinal cord is protected by bones called?

The spinal cord is protected by the vertebrae.

Does the spinal cord have a backbone?

The spinal cord is a bundle of nerve fibers which is inside of the vertebrae (backbones).

What system is the vertebrae a part of?

the skeletal system. the spinal column is made up of bones that protect the spinal cord called vertebrae

Does vertebrae protects the spinal cord?


Where is the spinal cord found-?

in the spinal canal between the vertebrae.

What bones protects spinal cord?

The spinal cord is protected by the vertebral column or spinal column. The vertebral column is a collection of individual bones called vertebrae that encase and protect the spinal cord. The vertebral column is divided into three parts: seven cervical (neck) vertebrae at the top, twelve thoracic vertebrae in the midback, and five lumbar vertebrae in the lower back. Below the lumbar vertebrae, but not protecting the spinal cord, are the sacrum and coccyx (tailbone).

What comes out of the spinal cord between vertebrae?

Nerve roots exit the spinal cord between the vertabrae.

How many bones are in the spinal cord?

The vertebrae

Which part of the body to the vertebrae protect?

the spinal cord

What does the backbone surround and protect in a vertebrae?

The Spinal Cord.