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dont really know....but the highest count for bears are 201 nd i got told to take that in half so a woman could have around 100 kids....but these days its bad to have that many kids in this kind of communities....not enough food.not enough room...orless you become rich because of your kids then no one will like you....just like octomom she became rich from her lip surgery or whatever yu wanna call it ,her own tv show its NOT worth it she sux....but its true just figured out you can have around 100 children from natural birth....know i wanna see something just think of picking a hundred different names ut when they all look alike....heyy there goes that was Samantha.....get Rick or Bob whoever that is.....that will be you and your partner and if i were you dont try it that would really suckk when their old enough to speak and you call em by the wrong name the be so angry at be carefull and use protection!!!!(l.o.l) thanks bye from Mysterious WMan
A women can get pregnant up until the time they reach menopause. Some women are unable to conceive at all, while others may only be able to have a few children. Every women is different and so is her ability to conceive. There have been cases of women having over 27 pregnancies. The reason for this is before the advancement of medicine it was not uncommon for the majority of a womens children to not reach age 10.

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Q: How many times can a woman get pregnant?
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Does pregnancy test or any other test can tellhow many times a woman have been pregnant?

No. There is no test that shows how many times a woman has been pregnant. If you want to know you should ask her but it is up to her if she wishes to keep that information private.

Is it true when the women is pregnant it also affects the mans body to?

It will not effect the mans body when a woman is pregnant. Many times men do get sympathy pains with their pregnant wives.

What is the medical term meaning many pregnancies?

Nulligravida refers to a woman who has never been pregnant (or gravida 0).Primigravida refers to a woman who is pregnant for the first time or who has been pregnant once — in other words, from the time a woman gets pregnant the first time until she gets pregnant the second time, she can be referred to as a Primigravida (or gravida 1).Multigravida means a woman who is currently pregnant or who has been pregnant two or more times (gravida 2, gravida 3, etc.)

How many bathroom visits should an eight week pregnant woman have?

The number of time a pregnant woman visits bathroom to pee precisely vary from one woman to another, but you will be sure that you have the tendency of urinating more frequently when you are pregnant and some times the pee may be very small yet it will exert pressure on your bladder and cause you to have the urge to urinate. Therefore there is no actual number of times you can visit bathroom once pregnant.

What is the term meaning many pregnancies?

Nulligravida refers to a woman who has never been pregnant (or gravida 0).Primigravida refers to a woman who is pregnant for the first time or who has been pregnant once — in other words, from the time a woman gets pregnant the first time until she gets pregnant the second time, she can be referred to as a Primigravida (or gravida 1).Multigravida means a woman who is currently pregnant or who has been pregnant two or more times (gravida 2, gravida 3, etc.)

What does multigravidae mean?

a woman who has been pregnant two or more times

After physical relationship how many times to take pregnant-?

One cannot say how many times after having a physical relationship with someone that it can take to get pregnant. Pregnancy can occur on the first or second try, then again it could take several attempts at sexual intercourse for conception to occur. If you want to get pregnant then having sex around the time that you ovulate will increase your chances of a positive result.

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A woman who has been pregnant four times and given birth three times to viable infants would be?

She would be the mother of three and, possibly, still pregnant with the fourth.

What are some activities for a pregnant woman?

There are many activities that a pregnant woman can participate in. A pregnant woman can watch movies, go for a walk around the block or at a park, walk the dog or even still do light exercises.

How many times does a pregnant woman vomit in the first trimester?

I think it's different for every woman, but I'm pregnant and I throw up at LEAST once a day. It's not that bad anymore though. I actually look forward to it because it makes the nausea do away.

Can you get a woman pregnant if she pregnant?

No. Once pregnant, a woman can't get pregnant-er.