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A person only needs one testicle for the military. You do not have to have two testicles in order to join the military at all.

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10y ago
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7y ago

For fertility, the ability to become a father, one is enough.

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9y ago

Generally men have two.

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Can you grow testicles?

You cannot "grow" testicles. But if you are male you should have testicles and they will develop as you grow.

What age does a young male donkey drop his testicles?

The average young male donkey will drop his testicles shortly after birth. The testicles will drop down with them 24 hours of birth.

Cat with testicles and nipplesMale or female?

A cat with testicles is male, while a cat with nipples can be either male or female. Nipples are a characteristic present in both male and female cats, but testicles are exclusive to male cats.

Where are male gametes are formed?

The Male Gametes are formed in the testicles.

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What is the male sexual organ?

Penis or testicles

What are testes on cats?

They are testicles on male cats.

What is a eunoch?

A human male without testicles.

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Male Rabbit?? Testicles.

When will a male puppies testicles drop does it hurt them?

Normally the testicles drop at about 6 months of age.

Where are the testicles located on a male cat?

A male's testicles are found underneath the tail, right under the anus. In an intact and mature male, the testicles are very pronounced. If the cat is neutered, then the testicles will not be apparent, but will be a gap between the anus and penis where the testicles once were.

How do you know if you 6 month old male ferret is fixed?

If male ferret goes into heat, his testicles will appear. If he is fixed you will never see testicles