Ulcer pain can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours. You should however, go to the doctor right away if you're experiencing ulcer pain.
4-5 seconds
It can last anywhere from 120 - 1200 seconds.
heart burn
10s seconds
The First Airplane Lasted 12 seconds in the air.
It was two to three minutes.
The duration of Pain Clinic is 3600.0 seconds.
The duration of Men in Pain is 2700.0 seconds.
A basic static stretch - holding the pose for an extended period - should last about 30 seconds. Anything less than 20 seconds won't make a significant difference in lengthening muscle fibers and tissue; hold too long and you risk injury.
Pain which occurs in the right side of the head for a few seconds is usually associated with stress or high blood pressure. Many over the counter medications like Tylenol are available to treat this problem.