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Q: How many ribs does a blue wale?
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What is corduroy rib called?

Maybe you're looking for "wale" -- the width of the ribs corduroy ribs

How many ribs does a pilot whale have?

Pilot whales typically have 13-16 pairs of ribs, for a total of 26-32 individual ribs.

What whale has an enormous head?

blue wale

What is the bigset animal in the world?

it is the blue wale

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How many syllables are in wale?

The word "wale" has one syllable.

What is the usual length of a blue wale?

About eighty feet long.

What is the biggest wale in the world?

the blue whalethe humpback whaleand the narwhale

Why are some Webkinz retired?

because the people in the factory are too lazy to make more!! j.k! they retire because a webkin has a cost say the blue wale!, is cost could be $700.00! i'm not saying you need to pay that much for a blue wale but about 85 kids could buy a blue wale before it when retried because it reached its cost of $700.00.

Is monster sharks the biggest fish in the sea?

The biggest fish is the blue wale

What is bigger than a blue whale but stronger than an person?

a killer wale

What are the most endangered whales in the world?

North Pacific Right Whale, North Atlantic Right Whale, Blue Whale What he/she means is that the whales in the North Pacific and North Atlantic and the blue whales are endangered because either they can't find enough food, or they are being illegally hunted.