

Best Answer

300 - is considered obese. But lets not get there! You can do it!!

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Q: How many pounds is considered obese?
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Is 220 pounds considered obese for a woman 5 foot 7 inches?

These measurements give a BMI of almost 35. A BMI of 30 or more is considered obese.

How much would you need to weigh it you were obese and 5ft?

From 186 pounds and over is considered obese for a height of 5ft6. From 155 pounds until 185 pounds is considered overweight for a height of 5ft6. From 115 pounds to 154 pounds is considered the normal weight range for a height of 5ft6.

How many pounds is a obese child?

Beautiful Symmetry.

5 ft 11 man what is overweight?

At least 230 pounds without any muscle mass is considered Overweight, and about 300 pounds with no muscle is considered Obese.

Are sumo wrestlers obese?

Many are going to be considered obese by medical definition. There are those that are not.

How many pounds is considered obese A doctor informed me that 15 pounds too much is considered overweight. I have been told he's wrong. What is the correct answer?

It's not weight that determines obesity. It's your BMI. Body Mass Index. Which is an estimate of your body fat, based on your height and weight. You are considered obese once it's over 29.9 percent.

Is weighing 190 pounds considered being overweight if you are 5 feet 8 inches?

Depends on your age and gender If you are a teen then yes that would be considered obese

Is 188 pounds a good weight for a 5' 7 13-year-old?

No, 188 pounds is not a good weight for you. According to BMI (Body Mass Index) standards, you are either very close to overweight, or obese (depending on your gender). For males, those statistics are considered obese (91 out of 90 percentile, 90 being obese), and for a female, it is just below obese (85 out of 90 percentile, 90 being obese).

If you are 150 pounds and 12 years old and 5'0 are you considered obese?

Yes. Now, put down the box of twinkies, fatty.

Is a 11 year old girl obese if she is 205 pounds?

No matter what her height is, an 11 year old that is 205 pounds is for sure obese.

If you 175 pounds and you 5'1 are you obese?


At 12 what weight is obese?

It really depends on your height. I was clinically obese at 65 pounds and I was 5'5''.