Around 25,000 people die of malaria every day in Uganda.
Every year there are around 3-400 million people cured from malaria.
Around 170,000 people die in Ghana each year, with leading causes of death including malaria, lower respiratory infections, and diarrheal diseases.
Every year 300-700million people get malaria annually and about 1-2million people die annually
300-350 million suffer every year
about 1 child every 30 seconds.
Every year there are about 3-500 million cases and about 1-3 million deaths caused by malaria.
1 in 5 childhood deaths are caused by malaria
In Africa many people died from malaria.
You do not have malaria in US. Only immigrants can get malaria, which can come out of the liver.
Ghana is a city not a person! they originally believed in lots of gods. but then all the kings started to become Islam. BUT they still practiced their other beliefs.
Each year about 400,000 people die in Tanzania. About 100,000 of those deaths each year are from AIDS and many of the others are the result of malaria.