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Leprosy (now called Hansen's Disease) is easily treated and not easily transmitted among people, despite popular belief. There is an average of about 890,000 worldwide who have the disease - it is rarely fatal.

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2-4 million people suffer each year..

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200 a year

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Q: How many people have been cure from leprosy a year?
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How many people have died from Leprosy?

Thousands of people die from leprosy we dont exactly know how many, but now there is a cure for leprosy, so we dont have as much trouble with it as we did before. There have been alot and 1000 have died in 2002

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There are many inventions that Irish brought to us that changed the lifestyle of people. Guinness, Color Photography and a cure for Leprosy are some of the well-known.

How many people die from leprosy a year?

You don't really die from leprosy but the diseases that make the body weakened and/or the problems with this disease that form other diseases.With proper and EARLY treatment death can be prevented and now there is even a cure for this disease.Technology has come along way since people dying from leprosy.But do remember the disease is contagious, highly contagious.Read more:

Is leprosy the name of a tasty meal?

No, leprosy is not a tasty meal, actually, it is a terrible skin disease caused by a bacteria. This causes the formation of lumps and rashes on the skin. Many Bible stories tell of healing of leprosy, and most of these stories include Jesus, God or a prophet washing the leprosy-diseased person in the Dead Sea. In older times when there was no cure people with leprosy were shunned from the village or society in which they were living and forced to form Leper colonies where the infected lived (and died). Now days there are treatments and cures for the disease. For a fuller description of the condition and social issues surrounding it, see the related link.

Can you get leprosy twice?;_ylt=AmkCx6IHyHxMBr6i1d6Ol7Hsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090405212554AADzT8Wi just asked too.

How did people get leprosy in Jesus' time?

people may have received it by contact with other humans and/ or run through family

Does rosepettals cure brain issues?

no it can not cure brain issues but in many religons it is beleived it can cure it but it has been scientifically prooved that it cant

What are the social effects of leprosy?

Many people are very embarrassed if they have leprosy. They feel like are different and look different. Many people do not leave home as they think they will get looked on differently. this is the real answer not what that other person put : S

How many of all leprosy cases are of the tuberculoid type?

Seventy to eighty percent of all leprosy cases are of the Seventy to eighty percent of all leprosy cases are of the tuberculoid type.

How many drugs have been to cure HIV?

easy none

How many ailment does Quail eggs cure?

Quail eggs are said to cure a few common ailments but no scientific basis has been established for this. Some people believe they can treat headaches, colds, and general pain.

Was the cure for cancer discovered from animal testing?

As far as is known, no cure for cancer has been found. Many discoveries may have been made through animal testing to bring us closer to a cure.