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About 2600 people in the US are diagnosed with meningitis. About 10-15% of those people die.

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16y ago
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10y ago

Meningitis is a deadly condition when the meninges becomes inflamed. Symptoms include headache, intense fever, and muscular rigidity. About 171,000 people die from meningitis each year.

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13y ago

there are about 10,000 kids who are effected. Also about 5% of adults are effected.

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12y ago

i dont know i need to figure this out too

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12y ago

2000 die

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Q: How many people each year are killed by meningitis?
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How many people have been killed form meningitis?

Over 5,000 cases are reported a year in the UK

How many people die from Meningitis each year?

Approximately 174,000 people die from meningitis worldwide each year. The number can vary depending on the type of meningitis (bacterial, viral, fungal) and the region. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are crucial in preventing deaths from meningitis.

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About 3000 people in the United States are affected each year.

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How many people have been diagnosed with meningitis?

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Meningitis is a word you might hear on the news. That's because there are sometimes outbreaks of meningitis at schools or colleges - and it can be a serious illness. But many people get better after they have meningitis

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