200,000 recruits were physically unfit and discharged either because they were ill or they suffered from other maladies, but still many slipped through the cracks and enlisted while very ill. Approximately three out of every five soldiers died of disease especially during the first year of the Civil War. Approximately half the deaths of soldiers were tuberculosis; pneumonia; diarrhea, whooping cough; chickenpox; intestinal disorders; mumps and measles. Because of the unhygienic shape of the Federal camps (rotten food and garbage of all types) bacteria and viruses spread throughout the camps and bowel disorders were common. Well over three quarters of the soldiers would contract chronic diarrhea or dysentery. Typhoid was treated with quinine and reduced fatalities, but malaria struck one quarter of the soldiers. Exposure to the elements, especially becoming damp and cold; pneumonia was the third leading cause of death.
About 2 died
It is estimated that 11,000 people died from measles during the Civil War. Dysentery was the worse disease to kill soldiers, it is estimated almost 100,000 died from it.
Over 258,000 Confederates, and 359,000 union troops died in the war. Most died from diseases like measles and dysentary.
About 700,000 people died as a result of The Civil War. 12,000 died of Measles 35,000 died of smallpox 56,000 died of infections 72,000 died of cancer 22,000 died of heart disease
about...317, 482 people died in the Spanish civil war
When the civil war of Sierra Leone ended, it was estimated that 50,000 people died from it.
over 30 million people died in the civil war
If they weren't killed by soldiers on the opposite side, they were most often killed by their wounds getting infected. Also, many died of dysentary and measles.
Only 150 people died of salmonella during the civil war
4,000 people died on the cofederate side
Around 100,592 people died