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Q: How many people died from deadly nightshade?
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How long do deadly nightshade plants live?

Deadly nightshade (Atropha belladonna) is a herbaceous perennial plant and will live for many years.

What plant's flower have poison?

Too many to list here. A common one is Deadly Nightshade, which has marble-sized purple berries on it in late summer.

How many people have died from a snake?

Alot. They are many kinds of snakes around the world. In places were there is deadly snakes there can be hundreds of deathes there.

Is Pumpkin a nightshade vegetable?

No, pumpkin is in the gourd family along with the squashes, cucumbers and melons. The nightshade family includes tomato, potato, tabacco, eggplant and, of course deadly nightshade itself (and many others) all of which contain solinin at least in the green parts, making these parts of the plants inedible. In some cases the entire plant is poisonous. The gourd family has non-toxic green parts.

Do nightshade vegetables cause inflammation?

There have been many studies that show a connection between eating nightshade vegetables and rheumatoid arthritis.

How many people died in the most deadly tornado to ever happen?

The deadliest tornado on record struck central Bangladesh o April 26, 1989, killing an estimated 1300 people.

How deadly is the tuna fish?

The tuna fish is not at all deadly to humans. It is a staple of many people's diet throughout the world.

What happens when a rabbit eats deadly nightshade?

it dieslol--- Well that wasn't a very helpful answer, thank you person... let me see if I can improve upon it.It depends on what you mean by "nightshade." the Solanaceae family of flowering plants is commonly known as the "nightshade" family. But this family includes many different plant species such as: Datura, Mandragora(mandrake), Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade), Lycium barbarum (wolfberry),Physalis philadelphica (tomatillo) , Physalis peruviana (Cape gooseberry flower),Capsicum(chili pepper, bell pepper),Solanum(potato, tomato, eggplant),Nicotiana(tobacco), and Petunia. Now you can see, some of these plants are things you - and bunnies - may consume regularly such as the bell peppers. Where other have different adverse affects.But I will assume what you mean Atropa Belladonna or more commonly just Belladonna. Which is often called just "Deadly Nightshade." Interestingly enough, despite the high poison potency for humans in just about every part of the plant, cattle and rabbits can eat the plant without any kind of perceived harmful effects.

What are the plants used for medicine and the illness cured?

There are many plants used in preparation of different homeopathic medicines. Few of them are Belladonna atropa (Deadly Nightshade) , Calendula Off (Marigold), Arnica Montana (Leopards bane), Crocus Sativa (Meadow saffron).

How many people have died in the 21st century because of volcanos?

Approximately 900 people have died due to volcanic activity in the 21st century. The most deadly volcanic event of this century was the eruption of Mount Merapi in Indonesia in 2010, which claimed over 350 lives.

How many chapters in nightshade by Andrea Cremer?

there are 35 chapters

Can eating raw peanuts be deadly?

no. many people eat them raw. they are nuts.