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Q: How many people die from water shortage?
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How many people die of water shortage in Ghana each year?

well over 10 000 people die from dirty water. this is because rivers are bieng polluted with waste from near by factories

Was there a shortage of food and water during hurricane Katrina?

Yes, there was a severe shortage of food and water during Hurricane Katrina. Many residents were stranded without access to basic necessities for days due to flooding, power outages, and breakdowns in communication. Relief efforts were hindered by the scale and intensity of the disaster.

Can you give me 5 sentences about shortage?

1. Due to acute shortage of fresh water, many children die in poor countries. 2. I have seen the shortage of electricity in Pakistan many times. 3. A famine is actually shortage of edibles in a very large area due to natural reasons. 4. Shortage of blood supply to the brain can cause a stroke. 5. Dearth is a synonym of shortage.

How is food shortage a problem?

if you have a good shortage than u can die becsuase you need the nutrients from it and you cant survive off of water.

Do animals die because of water shortage?

yes they do they will dehydrate like humans so they need water

Why do so many babies die before their first birthday in haiti?

Widespread disease, shortage of food and water, and it's an extremely poor country.

What was a result of a land shortage in the British colonies?

the result of a land shortage meant that not as much things could be grown which therefore means that the people of Britain could not have as much food and then people would have started to die from starvation

Shortage and Scarcity?

The word scarcity means that something is hard to obtain. For example, one might see, 'In World War 2 there was a scarcity of photographic film in Britain'. Shortage is more commonly used of essentials, especially food.

How does the lack of safe drinking water affect sub-saharan Africa?

many people die, and even the people who do get water die, becasue the water isn't clean. This cause wars, and many other things, that can easily be prevented.

How many people die from dirty water in Australia?

7 a week

Did more people die on the titanic because the was not enough lfeboats for everyone?

I would have to say yes. The Titanic did have a shortage of lifeboats.

What is the problem with the drought?

Not sure what you want to know. Some particular drought may have some particular problem associated with it, but , in general, a drought is an extreme shortage of water. Water is necessary for crops , animals and humans. In a severe drought, crops dry up, farm animals would die, if not killed for food. People would die, but they generally migrate to seek water, or else relief agencies bring them water. Drought cause food shortage and make sanitation difficult. Lack of sanitation leads to disease. Countries where drought are common often suffer from poverty.