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hi! go and see the website and there you can watch how many people died today because of hunger and this year because of overweight.

Its not exatly your wuestion, but it is very interesting, too. Just go and see! The site is amazing and counts new every second!


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14y ago

Approximately 0.56% of anorexias will die each year, while 5.6% will die each decade.

The mortality rate among people with anorexia is 12 times higher than the mortality rate for all causes of death among females aged 15-24.

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Q: How many people die a second from an eating disorder?
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In todays society how many people suffer from an eating disorder?

An estimated 1 in every 200 people has a diagnoseable eating disorder, but as many as 1 in 5 have had eating disorder like tendencies or disordered eating habits.

How many people in the us get curred for an eating disorder?

Only about 20% of people with an eating disorder will ever be fully cured or rid of the disease.

Can you can nevre recover from ana eating disorder?

That is not true. Though it is very difficult, many people are able to recover from their eating disorder.

How many boys suffer a eating disorder?

An estimated 1 in every 200 people suffer from and eating disorder. Of that, 90% are female and 10% are male.

Who many men in the world have an eating disorder?

Tharun Rameshbabu has an eating disorder

How many have a eating disorder every year?

An estimated 1 in every 200 people suffers from an eating disorder. On the other hand, 1 in 5 or so people suffers from disordered eating (chronic dieting, yo-yo dieting, addicted to fast food, ect.).

What percentage of Britain has a eating disorder?

1 in every 200 people suffers from an eating disorder. As many as 1 in 10 have acted with impulsive or eating disorder habits 1 to 5 times in their life (made themselves throw up, crash dieted, ect.).

How many people suffers with bulimia and anorexia?

An estimated 1 in every 200 people suffers from an eating disorder.

Is it true that different types of therapies are available for those with various eating disorders?

Yes, that is true. Many different types of treatments and therapies are available to people based on what type of eating disorder they have, and also the severity of the eating disorder.

Fact notes about eating disorders?

There are many notes and facts about eating disorders. Some are... *Eating disorder affect an estimated 1 in every 200 people. *Of that, 1 in every 250 is anorexic. *Bulimia is the most common eating disorder *11% of all people have forcefully thrown up (purged) at least once in their life. *About 20% of people with eating disorders die from the disorder or die from a side-effect or direct result of the disorder. *Those affected by eating disorders women:men is 9:1. *95% of eating disorder occus in middle- or upper-class families. *2/3 of eating disorder cases occur in "western" society (america, west europe, ect.) *73% of people who have an eating disorder also have a substance abuse problem (drugs, alcohol, smoking, ect.) *Only about 30% of people with eating disorders every fully recover (most will just relapse) *Eating disorders are one of the fasted rising disease in the world annually

Why do you have eating disorder assistments?

Treatment for eating disorders take a very long time, involve many people, many steps, and many techniques. To accomplish all of this, assistants are needed.

What are the common variants of eating disorder?

Eating disorders can take many forms and habits. Common EDs include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder (BED), orthorexia, anorexia athletica, compulisve-over-eating disorder (CO-ED), and many also fall into the category of eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS).