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Stomach cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer with 930,000 cases in the year 2002. It is, of note, much more common in the following countries: Korea, Japan, UK, South America, and Iceland.

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Q: How many people are diagnosed with stomach cancer each year?
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How many people are diagnosed with cancer daily from the u.s.?

On average, over 4,800 people are diagnosed with cancer daily in the United States. This amounts to approximately 1.8 million new cancer cases each year in the country.

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There is about a 65% survival rate (living up to five years after being diagnosed with cancer) in the U.S.A. About 1.5 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year, so about 975,000 people survive cancer in the U.S.A each year - though the statistics can change.

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In the Philippines, prostate cancer is the third highest cause of death. More than 17,000 people are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year in the Philippines.

How many people die each day from cancer?

Approximately 1500 people die each day in the u.s., 3,400 people are diagnosed

How many people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer per year?

In the US, there are about 45,000 new cases of pancreatic cancer each year, and about 38,500 deaths from pancreatic cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, the rates have been slowly increasing over the past 10 years. Your lifetime risk of having pancreatic cancer is about 1 in 78.

How many Americans are diagnosed with lung cancer every year?

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Each year, about 170,000 Americans are diagnosed with lung cancer.

How many people are diagnosed with cancer each day in Canada?

Factoring in all of the different types of cancer from harmless skin cancer to a malignant brain tumor, one in three people are affected by cancer. Keep in mind that many types of cancer are harmless.

By what measure is esophageal cancer a common disease?

Esophageal cancer is diagnosed in about 13,000 people annually in the United States; it is responsible for approximately 1.5-5% of cancer deaths each year.

How many people die of skin cancer each year in Australia?

Many people are affected by skin cancer but in Australia, 1000 people get diagnosed each year and 1600 Australians die. There is a way to prevent it. Follow the five steps to avoid cancer rule and you'll be fine. They are: 1. Wear a shirt 2. Put sunscreen on 3. Use an umbrella 4. Wear a hat 5. Wear sunglasses

How many people died from skin cancer?

The Information Please Almanac's compilation of data from the American Cancer Society, U.S. National Institutes of Health, and National Cancer Institute tells us the 5 year survival rate for skin cancer is 91% for whites and 74% for blacks. I'm estimating this means the overall survival rate is approximately (.87*.91 + .13 * .74=) 89% or, conversely, a death rate of 11%.

How many people in the US die each year from lung cancer?

According to the American Cancer Society and the CDC, approximately 163,500 people are expected to die of lung cancer in the USA in 2005. They also estimate that 172,500 people were diagnosed with the disease in 2005 as well.