You can have a miscarriage through out the pregnancy for different reasons.
If the test was positive then you will be pregnant
Yes you can get pregnant right after.
No, she had a miscarriage 2 months after conception.
There is always a chance for a miscarriage.
I'm guessing you mean you were 5 months pregnant and yes you can. You are highly fertile after for awhile due to hormones and need to protect yourself.
No that would be a miscarriage. No baby will survive it that early.
after having a miscarriage 6 months ago my period is 4 days late.took pregnancy test it came back negative am i pregnant
It may depend on the reason for the miscarriage and how far into the pregnancy she was. There is no reason not to start trying again right away, after a very early miscarriage - with your doctor's OK.
Yes it takes about 2 months for the hormones to settle and during that time the test will show pregnant.
when your five months pregnant how many weeks are you? when your five months pregnant how many weeks are you?
You know that you've had a miscarriage when you're screaming in pain and a dead bloody fetus comes out of your vagina. And you can be three months pregnant and not realize it without a test depending on your body weight