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7-8 layers

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Q: How many layers of material does a cow's cornea have?
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How many layers does the eye have?

there are 3 layers to the animal and human eye: 1. External, which includes cornea and sclera 2. Intermediate, which has two parts a. Anterior, includes iris and ciliary body b. Posterior, includes choroid 3. Internal, which is the retina. Some nocturnal animals like cats for instance have a layer in the back of the eye that reflects/multiplies light coming into the eye, thus allowing them to see in the dark better. This layer is called the "Tapetum lucidum".

Can the cornea of the eye get torn?

No and many people think the cornea is in the corner of your eye it is located in the center of your eye.

How many miles from Leicester to Canada?

Cows cows cows.

What are some of the dangers involved in long-term contact lenses wear?

Many studies were done but besides infections one of the dangers that involve long-term contact lenses wear was that it induces significant changes in all layers of the cornea.

Is there a limit on how many cows you can have on Farmville?

you can have as many cows you can fit on your farm

Are there cows in Africa?

Yes, There are many cows in Africa.

How many cows are in 17?

Blue cows are in 17.

How many layers of clothes do people wear in antarctica?

It's not about how many layers of clothes they wear, it's how the layer is made. In Antarctica, each layer of clothing is usually several other layers stitched together to keep as much heat heat as possible. It also depends on what material is used. During my year at South Pole Station, my outdoor clothing would be a parka, button-in liner, wool shirt, thermal underwear. The parka had a outer shell, insulating filler, inner shell - so that is 3 layers right there. The liner was also 3 layers. So there were usually 8 layers of material plus trapped air pockets between my skin and the very cold environment. It was about the same for the footwear.

How many layers does a stone of coal have?

A piece of coal typically consists of multiple layers called beds or seams. These layers are formed over millions of years from the accumulation of compressed plant material. The number of layers can vary depending on the specific geological conditions of the coal deposit.

What are the layers of a rock?

there are many layers

How many cows died in the great fire of London?

About half as many cows died as pigs.