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If they are 200mg tablets you can take four, ONCE. Do not do it again, more than that is toxic. If your pain is that severe I suggest seeing a doctor for something stronger.

You can actually take as much as six, 200mg. tablets in any 24 hour period, but don't take for more than 10 days should really try to see a doctor, however, because kidney problems can often disguise themselves as Back pain.

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Q: How many ibuprofen can you have for severe back pain?
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Does Motrin help with lower back pain?

Motrin is ibuprofen, which is a pain reliever. It will help with mild lower back pain. It is not a miracle drug and for severe pain one should contact a doctor.

Can stomach pain 8-10 hours or more after taking Ibuprofen be caused by the Ibuprofen?

Yes, but it could also be caused by any other number of reasons. If the stomach pain wasn't severe, you can try taking the ibuprofen again in a few days and see if it happens again. If the pains WERE severe, of course do not takt it again. Either way, you could be allergic to the ibuprofen.

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How do you get Motrin to work?

You take 400 to 600 mg every 8 hours.Motrin (ibuprofen) is good for mild to moderate pain - it's not going to work as well for something severe like a broken bone or other severe injury. If 600mg of ibuprofen isn't working for your pain, it's time to see a doctor and get some prescription strength pain reliever.

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Endone (Oxycodone) is in a group of drugs called narcotic pain relievers. Ibuprofen/Voltaren are in a group of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Ibuprofen works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. The combination of ibuprofen and oxycodone is used short-term to relieve moderate to severe pain.

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no you will not be able to lift your leg with severe back pain, feel better...

Is Ibuprofen a good medicine for hemorrhoids?

Speaking only from personal experience, ibuprofen is not good for treating hemorrhoids. I rarely suffered from any hemorrhoid discomfort before using ibuprofen. Having taking only one dose of ibuprofen daily for a short time for back pain, the ibuprofen actually seemed to cause hemorrhoids! After stopping the ibuprofen, the hemorrhoids went away. Thinking this to be coincidental, I tried the ibuprofen again as it works well for my back pain. But the hemorrhoids returned. So, at least for me, ibuprofen is not helpful for hemorrhoids.

Are there any over-the-counter medications for shoulder pain?

There are several over the counter medications you can take for shoulder pain, as long as the pain is not too severe. Depending on your tolerance and your allergies, you can take ibuprofen, tylenol, advil or bayer.

Can Ibuprofen cause neck pain?

I always end up with neck pain after using ibuprofen.