

Best Answer

* It's not a matter of how long someone can live without sleep but a matter of how long can someone stay awake without passing out. Probably not more than two days.

* You can find normal people staying awake for three days. You can find exceptional people to stay awake for 30 days. Some extra exceptional people lie awake for more than 20 to 30 years.

* The current record is a bit over eighteen days, but this SHOULD NOT BE ATTEMPTED.

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Q: How many days can a human being live without sleep?
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How long will a human have to stay awake for before it hilusonates?

About three days without any sleep what so ever.

Can you survive without sleep?

Like breathing, sleep is a fundamental human requirement. It has even been said that one could survive for three times as long without food as one could without sleep. One of the better known experiments on this subject, found that depriving rats entirely of sleep resulted in their death, or near-dying state, within 11-32 days.

How long could a human being live without water?

last about 2-4 days.

How many days can a person go with out sleep?

Most people can survive for around 11 days without sleep, but the effects on cognitive function and overall health become increasingly severe the longer someone goes without sleep. It is not recommended to go more than a few days without sleep as it can have serious consequences on both physical and mental health.

How long can a person go without sleep?

Most people can survive for around 11 days without sleep, but extended periods of sleep deprivation can lead to serious health consequences such as cognitive impairment, mood swings, and even hallucinations. It is crucial to prioritize and maintain healthy sleep habits for overall well-being.

Can people go without sleep?

People can only go without sleep for about two days. Then they just have to fall asleep. Ive stayed up 4 days straight.

What is the most days you can go without sleep?

It depends on the persons body and how it reacts to the loss of sleep

How long can a person stay without sleep?

10 days.

Will you die if going 3 days without sleep while drinking alcohol?

Not from going without sleep. The alcohol will eventually kill you, though.

How long can a human go without sleep before she or he dies of sleep deprivation?

In May 2007 a British man named Tony Wright stayed awake for 266 hours, just a little more than 11 days.

How can a man go 8 days without sleeping?

sleep at night

How can man go 8 days without sleeping?

sleep at night