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Guppies are pregnant from anywhere between 21-28 days but if conditions aren't correct, it may take longer.

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Q: How many days are guppies pregnant for?
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Related questions

How log are cold water guppies pregnant for?

They are pregnant for about 27 to 29 days and are in labour for 12 to 24 hours at night

How many baby guppies does a pregnant guppy have?

1 to 5 to 40

You have 6 guppies and 3 koi 2 of your guppies are pregnant now what?

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How long does guppy fish stays pregnant?

Guppies are pregnant from any between 21-28 days but if conditions aren't correct, it may take longer.

Can a male guppy have a black spot?

Many male guppies have 'black spots' but if by "black spot" you mean "gravid spot" then no, a male guppy can not be 'gravid' because gravid is the equivalent of "pregnant" and male guppies can not get pregnant.

How long are guppies pregnant before birth?

4-6 weeks

How many days you know that your pregnant?

2 days

If you keep pregnant mollys with baby guppies will it hurt them?

they should mollies arnt that aggresive but if the guppies are small enough it is possible the mollies will eat them but its not likely

What time of day do pregnant guppies give birth?

When they feel they need to. :D

How long does a fish stay pregnant?

Most fish do not get pregnant in the same way that mammals do. They lay eggs instead of carrying developing offspring internally. The time it takes for fish eggs to hatch varies depending on the species.

What is the likeliness that a fancy guppy is pregnant at the store?

Depending how old it is, if it is an adult female and it is in with male guppies then it is very likely that it is pregnant. (:

How long does it normally take for the seven stages of pregnancy for guppies I have a 5 gallon tank with six pregnant guppies in the tank been pregnant for 3 weeks or so?

The seven stages of pregnancy for guppys can last one month