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Q: How many chiropractors in US?
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Related questions

Who makes more chiropractors or veterinarians?

I would guess chiropractors - veterinarians tend to make US$100,000 or less per year.

What are animal chiropractors?

chiropractors that specialize in treating animals

How available are chiropractor jobs?

There are a lot of chiropractors and there are a lot of chiropractor jobs. Many clinics hire between one and four chiropractors in each clinic. Jobs vary state to state.

Are there chiropractors who work on pregnant women?

Most chiropractors should not have a problem working on a pregnant woman. There are probably some adjustments they will avoid and they will certainly not take X-rays, but there are many things they can do to relieve your discomfort.

How intelligant are chiropractic?

I don't know if you can answer a question that asks the collective intelligence of an entire profession. Some chiropractors are idiots, and they need to have their licenses taken away. However, I know many chiropractors who are pretty much geniuses, and have a lot to teach others. Most of the chiropractors I know are probably smarter than the average person in the community.

Can chiropractors prescribe hcg for weightloss?


What adjustments do chiropractors make to a patient's spine?

Chiropractors adjust or manipulate segments of the patient's spinal column in order to relieve pain.

Do chiropractors work night?

The vast majority of chiropractors work regular work hours during the day and do not work night shifts.

Were do chiropractors have to work?

Interesting question... Chiropractors can work pretty much anywhere. They may have a home office, they may make house calls, they may have a completely separate office. Sometimes chiropractors will work with other health professionals. This is of course a personal choice as chiropractors have a different philosophy on how the body works from what mainstream medicine believes to be true. To answer your question chiropractors can practice almost anywhere depending on some residential zoning restrictions.

Whats the work schedule for a chiropractor?

The schedule for chiropractors differ depending on the office. Some chiropractors work for themselves, and take appointments seven days a week. Other chiropractors have a Monday through Friday, 9 to 5 drop office.

Can New York chiropractors prescribe drugs?


Who are some famous female chiropractors?

Two famous women chiropractors include: Daniele Bertamini and Clarence Gonstead. Both of these women have chiropractic techniques named after them.