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3oo million alveoli

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15y ago

350 million 350 million

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Q: How many alveoli are in a body?
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Related questions

What do the alveoli in the body do?

alveoli take co2 from

What is alveoli in the body?

air sacs in the lungs

How many alveoli do cheetahs have?

There are hundreds of thousands of alveoli.

Where does the difussion of gases take plce in the body?


What does blood from the body does what?

The oxygen is taken from the alveoli in the lungs.

Where the carbon dioxide and blood exchanged in the body?


How does the body exchange carbon dioxide in the blood?


How can the oxygen you bring into your body get to your circulatory system?

your lungs have structures called alveoli. The alveoli are surrounded by capillary beds which carry blood. The oxygen enters the alveoli when you inhale. The oxygen then diffuses from high concentration in your alveoli to low concentration the blood in the capillaries surrounding the alveoli.

What is the cause of alveoli in lungs?

alveoli are tiny branches of the lungs where blood travels to be oxygenated so it is useful to the rest of the body.

Where are alveoli located in human body?

Alveoli are very tiny air sacs found in the lungs where CO2 and O2 are changed.

Which are the areas of gas exchange?

the alveoli in the lungs and the capillaries in the body

What part of the body obsorbs oxyegen form the air?
