Having braces with a gap wont take a long time, But If you dont want to pay for braces just for a gap , there is something else called orthofill. its just a thick rubberband that you put around your front teeth and its gone in less than 2 months. but make sure you keep in touch with your dentist to see if your teeth arent weak, or it could cause damage.
yes you should get braces for gaps
Braces are often used to remove gaps in teeth.
if you have gaps but otherwise there would be no point in getting them.
yes. they even close microscopic gaps
Why would you want braces?
Power chains are used for when you have gaps they help close them or when its almost time to get your braces taken off, you get it to keep your teeth straight. I had power chains since the gaps in my teeth they hurt
Teeth will look uneven and there will be gaps.
Well, they can be. That's not what I had them for, so I would'NT quite know for sure.
Your orthodontist should be able to close all gaps and get your teeth to align perfectly
Yes they will help straighten your teeth without having braces on the bottom. I have had braces before and I didnt have them on my bottom and my teeth straightend out quickly.
The main positive outcome of braces on teeth is that the patient will have straight teeth, making it harder for food to get stuck between them. There should be no gaps between teeth.
Possibly with some tooth colored fillings. Talk to a dentist and see what they reccomend.I use to have multiple gaps in my teeth. Then one day I came across www.teethgap.com and it changed my life forever. I don't have much money so braces where out of the question. Teeth Effects where only $16.95 so I figured I'd give it a shot. The bands really worked! I was able to close all 3 of my gaps using teeth effects bands.ANSWERyou wasted 16.95. the bands are what they use for braces. you can get them free if you go to an ortho and ask for bands for braces. this is a scam by teeth effects. you have been scammed